
来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zonsun168
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[目的]探讨植物诱导抗病剂组合对烟草花叶病的防控效果。[方法]在模拟病圃环境下,研究了6种植物诱导抗病剂的不同组合对烤烟栽培品种红花大金元的烟草花叶病的防控效果。[结果]多肽保与AHO2种诱导剂的组合应用对控制TMV有良好效果,能明显推迟带毒隐症烟株TMV的发病时间,移栽后70d对以清水和东旺毒消为对照的大田期烟株TMV的平均防效分别达到69.64%和43.25%,且在株高、叶数方面表现出明显优势,叶片生长发育状况良好。烟苗携带TMV病毒与症状能否表现无直接相关性,带毒隐症烟苗只有在发病条件适宜时才会表现症状。带毒隐症烟苗栽后19d内是TMV发病的高峰期,在育苗阶段与大田期施用有效药剂,以及移栽后促进烟苗早生快发是控制其发病的关键措施。[结论]为制定烟草花叶病的防控措施提供了理论依据。 [Objective] The research aimed to discuss the control effect of plant-induced anti-disease agent combination on tobacco mosaic disease. [Method] The control effect of different combination of 6 kinds of plant-induced resistance agents on tobacco mosaic disease of flue-cured tobacco cultivar Daikin yuan was studied under simulated nursery environment. [Result] The combined application of peptidoglycan and AHO2 inducing agent had good effect on controlling TMV. It could obviously delay the onset time of TMV with poisonous latent disease. After 70 days of transplanting, The average control effect of tobacco lines TMV reached 69.64% and 43.25%, respectively, and showed obvious advantages in plant height and leaf number, and the leaf growth and development status was good. Tobacco seedlings carrying TMV virus and the symptoms can be directly related to performance, with poisoning hidden disease tobacco seedlings only when the onset of symptoms will be appropriate. Within 19 days after infected with poisonous toxin, it is the peak period of TMV onset. The effective measures of pesticide application during the seedling stage and field period and the promotion of early emergence of tobacco seedlings after transplanting are the key measures to control the onset of TMV. [Conclusion] This provided a theoretical basis for the prevention and control measures of tobacco mosaic disease.
以乙二胺和丙烯酸甲酯为原料,经过重复Michael和酯氨解反应,制备出二代(2.0 G)树枝状聚酰胺胺(PAMAM).PAMAM与2,2,6,6-四甲基哌啶酮氮氧自由基经缩合、还原将PAMAM与2,2,6,6-
摘要 古典曲《春江花月夜》是中国著名十大名曲之一,是中华民族灿烂音乐文化的遗产,我们应该传承与弘扬中华民族的音乐文化。很多古往今来的音乐家对《春江花月夜》这首乐曲进行了改编,本文从这首古曲的艺术特色和民族风格进行探索和解析。  关键词:《春江花月夜》 艺术特色 民族风格  中华民族是一个具有五千年辉煌灿烂文明的民族,中华民族的音乐文化源远流长,我们的祖先留下了经过历史积淀的音乐文化。在辉煌灿烂的音
众所周知 ,校注出版重要古籍是一项学术性很强 ,难度相当大的科研工作。做好了可嘉惠学人 ,功德无量 ;反之则得不偿失 ,甚至贻误世人。 1998年 8月内蒙古文化出版社出版的校
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In recent years, Galium aparine L. has not been controlled by tribenuron-methyl in major Chinese winter wheat fields. The objective of this study is to understa