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目的 研究微卫星不稳定性 (MSI)在胃癌发生、发展中的作用。方法 使用聚合酶链反应 简单序列长度多态性 (PCR SSCP)的方法 ,检测 36例活检和手术切除胃癌标本及 30例肠化生标本的MSI。结果  36例胃癌中 ,有 15例检出 1个以上位点MSI ,总阳性率为 41.7% ;中 高分化腺癌MSI检出率为 6 6 .7% (10 / 15例 ) ,显著高于低分化腺癌的 2 6 .3% (5 / 19例 ,P <0 .0 5 ) ;肠型胃癌MSI阳性率为6 4.7% (11/ 17例 )显著高于弥漫型胃癌的 2 2 .2 % (4 / 18例 ,P <0 .0 5 ) ;MSI与胃癌大小、发生部位、分期及幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)感染无显著相关。 3例早期胃癌MSI均阳性 ,30例肠化生标本中有 9例检出MSI,阳性率为 30 .0 %。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型肠化生MSI阳性率分别为 2 5 .0 % (2 / 8例 )、2 5 .0 % (3/ 12例 )、40 .0 % (4 /10例 )。三者间差异无显著性。结论 MSI是胃癌多步骤发生过程中的早期分子标志 ,在胃癌的发生过程中可能起重要作用。 Objective To study the role of microsatellite instability (MSI) in the occurrence and development of gastric cancer. METHODS: Using the polymerase chain reaction simple sequence length polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method, 36 cases of biopsy and surgical resection of gastric cancer specimens and 30 cases of intestinal metaplasia were examined for MSI. Results Of the 36 cases of gastric cancer, 15 were found to have more than one locus MSI, the total positive rate was 41.7%; the MSI detection rate of moderately-differentiated adenocarcinoma was 66.7% (10/15), significantly higher than low 26.3% of differentiated adenocarcinomas (5/19 cases, P < 0.05); MSI positive rate of intestinal type gastric cancer was 6.7% (11/17 cases) was significantly higher than that of diffuse type gastric cancer 22.2 cases % (4 / 18 cases, P <0.05); MSI was not significantly associated with gastric cancer size, site of occurrence, stage, and Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection. Three cases of early gastric cancer were all positive for MSI, and 30 cases of intestinal metaplasia detected MSI in 9 cases, with a positive rate of 30.0%. The positive rate of MSI in patients with type I, II, and III in intestinal metaplasia was 25.0% (2/8 cases), 25.0% (3/12 cases), and 40.0% (4/10 cases) respectively. There was no significant difference among the three groups. Conclusion MSI is an early molecular marker in the multistep development of gastric cancer and may play an important role in the development of gastric cancer.
目的 研究正常和损伤的膝关节侧副韧带的MRI表现。方法 对经手术或临床证实的 32例共 36条损伤的侧副韧带与 5 6例正常膝关节进行回顾性MRI对比观察。结果 正常胫、腓侧副
目的提高对2b型多发性内分泌肿瘤(MEN2b)的认识,探讨其诊治方法. 方法诊治1例MEN2b病人.该病人同时患有双侧嗜铬细胞瘤、双侧甲状腺髓样癌、多发性粘膜神经瘤、先天性巨结肠
目的 探讨卵巢癌再分期手术的价值及其并发症的发生情况。方法  42例患者均为本院 1986年 1月至 1996年 1月收治的外院初次手术时未进行全面探查而诊断为Ⅰa~Ⅱa期的卵巢癌
目的研究不同程度脂肪肝的CT表现,探讨CT定量诊断脂肪肝的临床价值 .方法对28例经肝穿刺活检证实的脂肪肝病例作肝脏CT平扫,测量肝脏CT值,观察肝内血管相对密度的变化.用CT阈
目的观察胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ(insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰ,IGF-Ⅰ)对关节软骨缺损修复的作用.方法采用组织工程方法制备骨基质明胶(BMG)-软骨细胞移植物.40只4~5个月龄的