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市场竞争日趋激烈,施工企业面临形势日益严峻,利润空间越来越小,成本控制是施工企业提高效益的根本途径,也是企业发展的基础。本文从现阶段施工企业成本管理存在的问题着手,提出了适合企业自身发展的成本控制措施,使企业目标成本可控,实现企业利润最大化目标。 The market competition is becoming fiercer and fiercer. The construction enterprises are faced with the increasingly serious situation and the profit margins are getting smaller and smaller. Cost control is the fundamental way for construction enterprises to improve their efficiency and also the basis for their development. This article starts with the existing problems of cost management in construction enterprises and puts forward cost control measures that are suitable for the development of enterprises so that the target cost of the enterprises can be controlled and the profit maximization of the enterprises can be achieved.
本文简要介绍了舰用钢丝绳失效性检测系统研究的用途及必要性、研究思路及该系统的理论模型并较完整地指出了该系统的特点及研究效益。 This paper briefly introduces the
Geoscience Australia and the Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Environments and Mineral Exploration, in collaboration with State agencies are conducting
A comprehensive study on the chemical composition of wet precipitation was carried out from January 2004 to December 2004 at Jinhua, China. All samples were ana
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。怀念文坛老友穆青@李治亭 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Remembr
姚穆院士 姚穆,男,(1930.5——)我国著名的纺织材料专家,中国工程院院土,江苏省南通市人。1952年毕业于西北工学院纺织系并留校任教,开始长达五十余年的教学及科研工作用。
介绍利用线切割机床加工倒角刻线样板及直角坐标样板新工艺 ,对各种样板进行刻线加工 ,既简便省时又寿命长、精度高。附图 4幅。 Introduced the use of wire cutting machi