
来源 :现代妇产科进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baslove
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目的:通过对Fas、FasL和caspase的蛋白表达及与细胞凋亡关系的观察,探讨宫颈鳞状细胞癌组织中细胞凋亡的机制。方法:应用原位末端标记法(TUNEL)、双重荧光染色法等检测5例正常宫颈组织和34例不同分化程度的宫颈鳞状细胞癌组织的细胞凋亡和Fas、FasL、caspase-3、caspase-8蛋白的表达。结果:宫颈正常及鳞癌组织上有细胞凋亡及Fas、FasL、caspase-3蛋白的表达,各指标之间有相关性。癌组织中,Fas、FasL、caspase-3蛋白阳性细胞明显增多,双重荧光染色显示,部分细胞Fas及cspase-3蛋白与凋亡细胞同时阳性染色。宫颈正常及癌组织中无caspase-8蛋白表达。结论:正常宫颈及宫颈鳞癌组织中,细胞凋亡处于动态调整过程中,Fas/FasL可能通过活化caspase-3参与细胞凋亡的调节。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the mechanism of apoptosis in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix by observing the protein expression of Fas, FasL and caspase and its relationship with apoptosis. Methods: The apoptosis, Fas, FasL, caspase-3 and caspase were detected by TUNEL and double fluorescence staining in 5 cases of normal cervical tissue and 34 cases of cervical squamous cell carcinoma with different differentiation degree -8 protein expression. Results: Apoptosis and expression of Fas, FasL and caspase-3 proteins in normal and squamous cell carcinoma of cervix were correlated with each other. The positive cells of Fas, FasL and caspase-3 in cancer tissues were significantly increased, and the positive staining of Fas and cspase-3 protein in some cells was positive staining with apoptotic cells by double fluorescence staining. Cervical normal and cancerous tissue without caspase-8 protein expression. Conclusion: In normal cervical and cervical squamous cell carcinoma, apoptosis is under dynamic regulation. Fas / FasL may be involved in the regulation of apoptosis by activating caspase-3.
8月4日至5日,全省水政水资源工作会议和全省水政水资源培训会在哈尔滨市召开。会上传达了全国水政工作会议和全国水资源工作会议精神,陆 August 4 to 5, the provincial wat
目的 探讨妊高征患者绒毛合体滋养细胞一氧化氮合酶含量与活性的相关性。方法 采用免疫组织化学ABC法和酶组织化学法 (四唑盐法 ) ,检测 32例妊高征患者 (妊高征组 )和 32
1.EAD :EncodedArchivalDescription的缩写 ,即档案著录编码。它是一个新的档案著录标准。2.Collection :文件集 ,馆藏 ,汇集。3.Retrieval/Access:检索 ,利用。4.EDI :ElectroaicDatalnter 1.EAD: EncodedArchivalDescription acronym, that is, the file des
报道1例使用克罗米芬促排卵治疗后一个月发现卵巢转移性恶性黑色素瘤的病例:患者34岁,1993年因不孕行宫内授精(IUI)治疗。1995年使用 One case of ovarian metastatic mali