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草菇是目前食用菌中唯一的高温速生品种,味道鲜美,在两广地区称之“鸡肉菇”。我省尚无经营性栽培,而夏季气温稳定在28~35℃约有2个月,另外夏季城乡蔬菜大棚闲置无用,可以充分利用这些条件培育草菇,弥补夏季蔬菜的不足。为此,我们探讨并总结出一套“小土垄栽培草菇技术”,经在全省三年多点试验示范,取得了好成绩,生物学效率达27%~30%。现将其栽培技术介绍如下: 1 菇畦的准备 菇畦设在塑料大棚内,棚上覆盖农膜、草帘,保温保湿防阳光曝晒。畦宽1m,长不限,畦间距30cm,凹陷式,既是人行道又作蓄水沟。菇畦上横向挖凹陷式菇床,床宽30cm、深20cm,菇床之间留20cm宽的小土垄。菇床做好后,在表层喷0.2%敌敌畏和0.1%多菌灵,以湿透表层土为好,进行土层灭虫灭菌。 2 草料预处理 稻草或麦草铡成约3cm长小段,用含有2%生石灰、0.1%复合肥、0.1%多菌灵的水溶液浸泡24小时,捞出,淋去多余的水,备用。 3 菌种的准备 选用草菇V系列菌种,栽培种菌龄不超过18天,菌丝体丰富并有棕红色厚垣孢子,无杂菌。 Straw mushroom is the only high-temperature fast-growing edible mushroom species, delicious, called in the Guangdong and Guangxi “chicken mushrooms.” There is no cultivation in our province, and the temperature in summer is stable at about 28 ~ 35 ℃ for about 2 months. In summer, the greenhouses in urban and rural areas are idle and useless. We can make full use of these conditions to cultivate mushrooms to make up for the lack of summer vegetables. To this end, we explore and summed up a set of “small ridge ridge mushroom cultivation technology”, after more than three years in the province pilot demonstration and achieved good results, the biological efficiency of 27% to 30%. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: 1 mushrooms preparation mushroom 畦 set in a plastic greenhouse, the shed covered with plastic sheeting, straw curtain, heat preservation moisturizing anti-sun exposure.畦 wide 1m, long not limited, 畦 spacing 30cm, depression, both for the sidewalk and for reservoirs. Mushroom 畦 horizontal digging recessed mushroom bed, bed width 30cm, depth 20cm, between the bed to leave a small 20cm wide ridge. After the mushroom bed is done, 0.2% dichlorvos and 0.1% carbendazim are sprayed on the surface to wet the topsoil for soil sterilization. 2 forage pretreatment Straw or straw bark into about 3cm long section, with 2% lime, 0.1% compound fertilizer, 0.1% carbendazim aqueous solution soak for 24 hours, remove and rinse the excess water for later use. 3 species of mushroom preparation selection V series of strains, cultivated species age not exceeding 18 days, mycelium is rich and there are brown-red chlamydospore, no bacteria.
青海9号蚕豆的主要产量组成因素中,单株粒数和实荚数与单株产量的相关系数及其对单株产量的直接通径系数较高。选择时着重多荚多粒型,兼顾大粒型。 Among the main yield compo
  目的 探讨提高非口腔医学专业医学生口腔黏膜病学教学质量的方法。方法:将自行设计和制作的口腔粘膜病学多媒体计算机辅助教学(computer assisted instruction,CAI)课件与
  混合教学模式是把传统学习方式的优势和e-Learning (即数字化或网络化学习)的优势结合起来的一种教学方法。基于《口腔病理学》这门校级精品课程和省级精品课程,我们对暨
目的:观察黄连解毒汤联合西药对急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronaryintervention,PCI)术后患者炎症因子、血管内皮功能及心功能影响.方法:选