>Problems and Countermeasures of Collective Land Ownership Disputes in Beijing

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anweiban
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In 2010, No.1 document of central government demanded strengthening mediation and settlement of ownership of rural collective land, to complete confirmation of right and registration and issue of certificate of rural collective land in 3 years. However, the mediation and settlement of land ownership in China still remain at starting stage, and there are many problems in both theory and practice. In this situation, this paper summarizes current situations of disputes about ownership of collective land in Beijing, analyzes causes of disputes, introduces existing working mechanism, methods and problems of dispute mediation and settlement, and finally presents feasible recommendations, in the hope of providing guidance for mediation and settlement of land ownership disputes. In 2010, No.1 document of central government requirmentment mediation and settlement of ownership of rural collective land, to complete confirmation of right and registration and issue of certificate of rural collective land in 3 years. However, the mediation and settlement of land ownership in China still remain at starting stage, and there are many problems in both theory and practice. In this situation, this paper, this paper summarizes current situations of of reason about ownership of collective land in Beijing, analyzing causes of disputes, introduces existing working mechanism, methods and problems of dispute mediation and settlement, and finally presents feasible recommendations, in the hope for providing guidance for mediation and settlement of land ownership disputes.
6月26日北营铁业公司原料系统监控中心正式建成。该作业区主要负责该公司第一生产区4座350立方米的高炉和两台烧结机的原料供应,项目建成后,操作人员 June 26 Beiyipei Iro
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