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延边朝鲜族自治州位于我国东部,是雄鸡头部的一颗明珠,同时也是东北亚金三角的中心。在那里生活着汉族、朝鲜族、蒙族、回族、满族等各族人民。占人口总数的39.8%(共85万人)的朝鲜族使延边富有浓郁的朝鲜族特色,无论在文化、经济等各个领域都与其它地区有所不同。素有“文化之乡”美称的延边以其发达的教育著称于世。而联合国投资开发东北亚经济圈的决定更使延边受到世人的瞩目。高素质的人才资源,与边境邻国和睦相处的友好关系,丰富的物产资源以及东北亚区域经济合作的远景规划使延边占尽了“天时、地利、人和”。以经济为龙头的全方位开放给延边地区教育和朝鲜民族教育事业带来更大的发展机遇,延边地区教育和民族教育也面临着新的挑战和矛盾。重视对延边地区教育和朝鲜族民族教育新情况新问题的研究与解决,加强 Located in the east of our country, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture is a pearl in the head of the rooster and the center of the Golden Triangle in Northeast Asia. There live Han, Korean, Mongolian, Hui, Manchu and other ethnic groups. The ethnic Koreans, who make up 39.8% of the total population (850000 people in total), make Yanbian rich in Korean nationality and are different from other regions in all fields, including culture and economy. Known as the “hometown of culture,” Yanbian is famous for its well-developed education. The decision of the United Nations to invest and develop the Northeast Asian economic circle has even brought the world’s attention to Yanbian. Yanbian has made the best use of human resources, friendly relations with neighboring countries in border areas, rich resources of natural resources and the long-term plan for economic cooperation in Northeast Asia. Economic all-round opening up will bring greater opportunities for education in Yanbian area and ethnic education in Korea. Yanbian regional education and ethnic education will also face new challenges and contradictions. Attach importance to the study and solution to the new problems in the educational and ethnic education in Yanbian area and strengthen
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