Acute-on-chronic liver failure in a multi-ethnic Asian city:A comparison of patients identified by A

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangxizi
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AIM To explore the applicability of the Asia-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver(APASL) and European Association for the Study of the Liver(EASL) guidelines for acute-on-chronic liver failure(ACLF) in profiling patients and determining the outcome.METHODS Patients admitted to a tertiary hospital in Singapore with acute decompensation of liver disease from January 2004to July 2014 are screened for ACLF according to the APASL and EASL criteria. The patients’ data(including basic demographics, information about existing chronic liver disease, information about the acute decompensation, relevant laboratory values during admission, treatment, and outcome) are retrospectively analyzed to determine the background, precipitating factors and outcome.RESULTS A total of 458 liver patients is analyzed, and 78 patients with ACLF are identified. Sixty-three patients(80.8%) meet the APASL criteria, 64 patients(82.1%) meet the EASL criteria, and 49 patients(62.8%) fulfilled both criteria. The most common causes of acute liver injury are bacterial infections(59.0%), hepatitis B flare(29.5%), and variceal bleeding(24.4%). The common aetiologies of the underlying chronic disease included hepatitis B(43.6%), alcoholic(20.5%) and cryptogenic(11.5%) liver disease. The overall mortality rate is 61.5%. Increased age, the number of organ failures(as per CLIF-SOFA score), peak creatinine, INR, and amylase levels are associated with increased mortality or the need for liver transplantation. 14.3% of patients undergo liver transplantation with a 100% 1-year survival rate. CONCLUSION Both APASL and EASL criteria have identified ACLF patients with high three-month mortality, but those who fulfill APASL criteria alone have a better survival. AIM To explore the applicability of the Asia-Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) and European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) guidelines for acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) in profiling patients and determining the Patients. admitted to a tertiary hospital in Singapore with acute decompensation of liver disease from January 2004 to July 2014 are screened for ACLF according to the APASL and EASL criteria. The patients’ data (including basic demographics, information about existing chronic liver disease, information about the acute decompensation, relevant laboratory values ​​during admission, treatment, and outcome) were retrospectively analyzed to determine the background, precipitating factors and outcome. RESULTS A total of 458 liver patients were analyzed, and 78 patients with ACLF were identified. Sixty- Three patients (80.8%) meet the APASL criteria, 64 patients (82.1%) meet the EASL criteria, and 49 patients (62.8%) fulfilled both criteria. T The most common causes of acute liver injury are bacterial infections (59.0%), hepatitis B flare (29.5%), and variceal bleeding (24.4%). The common aetiologies of the underlying chronic disease are hepatitis B 20.5%) and cryptogenic (11.5%) liver disease. The overall mortality rate is 61.5%. Increased age, the number of organ failures (as per CLIF-SOFA score), peak creatinine, INR, and amylase levels are associated with increased mortality or the need for liver transplantation. 14.3% of patients underwent transplantation with a 100% 1-year survival rate. CONCLUSION Both APASL and EASL criteria have identified ACLF patients with high three-month mortality, but those who fulfill APASL criteria alone have a better survival.
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