Protective effect and mechanism of K_(ATp) channel opener on the sinoatrial node cells of neonatal r

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfh115101
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Objective: To study the effect of KATp channel opener and its possible mechanism on the sinoatrial node cells of neonatal rats which were cultured under simulated ischemia-reperfusion. Methods: Freshly isolated sinoatrial node (SAN) cells of neonatal rats were purified and cultured for 2 d, and then they were randomly divided into the control, simulated ischemia-reperfusion group (I/R group) , group intervened with KATp channel opener pinacidil (P + I/R group), KATP Channel blocking agent 5-HD (5-HD + I/R group) , and group with the 2 agents at same time (5-HD + P + I/R group) . The survival rate of cells was measured by flow cytometry and the content of intracellular calcium in the cells of each group was detected with laser confocal microscopy. Results: ① The survival rate of SAN cells in I/R group [ (51. 79±6. 28)% ] was remarkably significantly lower than in control [ (95. 08±10. 48)% ] (P < 0.001), and very significantly lower than in P + I/R group [ (63. 77±5. 35) % ] (P<0.01), however, those Objective: To study the effect of KATp channel opener and its possible mechanism on the sinoatrial node cells of neonatal rats which were cultured under simulated ischemia-reperfusion. Methods: Freshly isolated sinoatrial node (SAN) cells of neonatal rats were purified and cultured for 2 d, and then they were randomly divided into the control, simulated ischemia-reperfusion group (I / R group), group intervened with KATp channel opener pinacidil (P + I / R group), KATP Channel blocking agent 5-HD HD + I / R group), and group with the 2 agents at same time (5-HD + P + I / R group). The survival rate of cells was measured by flow cytometry and the content of intracellular calcium in the cells of Results: ① The survival rate of SAN cells in I / R group [(51. 79 ± 6. 28)%] was remarkably significantly lower than in control [(95.08 ± 10. (P <0.001), and very significantly lower than in P + I / R group [(63.77 ± 5. 35)%] 1), however, those
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一、心衰的临床处理———沿革  会议的第 1天 ,在一次讨论会上一组著名专家讨论了心衰 (HF)当前的药物治疗。专家们温习了已受公认的治疗 ,如ACE Ⅰ ,B阻滞剂 ;温习了AT1
照片中的两位老人,是一对相识75年、携手走过68个春秋的革命伴侣——杨应彬和郑黎亚。  1938年,杨应彬认识了同在中共南方局领导下的战地服务队工作的江苏省海门县灵甸镇人郑黎亚。郑黎亚后来也加入中国共产党,并担任地下特别党支部第四任支部书记。潜伏敌营十年期间,杨应彬和郑黎亚结下深厚的战斗情谊,他俩约定,“日寇不灭,不以为婚”。直到日本正式签字投降的次日,两人才在报上刊登订婚启事。  当时的地下特别