Tunable resonant radiation force exerted on semiconductor quantum well nanostructures: Nonlocal effe

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubo1204
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Resonant radiation force exerted on a semiconductor quantum well nanostructure(QWNS) from intersubband transition of electrons is investigated by taking the nonlocal coupling between the polarizability of electrons and applied optical fields into account for two kinds of polarized states. The numerical results show the spatial nonlocality of optical response can induce the spectral peak position of the exerted force to have a blueshift, which is sensitively dependent on the polarized state and the QWNS width. It is also demonstrated that resonant radiation force is controllable by the polarization and incident directions of applied light waves. This work provides effective methods for controlling optical force and manipulating nano-objects, and observing radiation forces in experiment. This nonlocal interaction mechanism can also be used to probe and predominate internal quantum properties of nanostructures, and to manipulate collective behavior of nano-objects. Resonant radiation force exerted on a semiconductor quantum well nanostructure (QWNS) from intersubband transition of electrons is taking the nonlocal coupling between the polarizability of electrons and applied optical fields into account for two kinds of polarized states. The numerical results show the spatial nonlocality of optical response can induce the spectral peak position of the exerted force to have a blueshift, which is sensitively dependent on the polarized state and the QWNS width. It is also demonstrated that resonant radiation force is controllable by the polarization and incident directions of applied light waves. This work provides effective methods for controlling optical force and manipulating nano-objects, and observing radiation forces in experiment. This nonlocal interaction mechanism can also be used to probe and predominate internal quantum properties of nanostructures, and to manipulate collective behavior of nano- objects.
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