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本文从我国再次举办奥运会与世博会效益分析入手,分别研究了我国再次举办奥运会与世博会可能带来的政治效益、经济效益、文化效益、社会效益等。同时提出我国再次举办奥运会及世博会可能产生的政治风险、经济风险、文化风险及生态风险,并给出切实有效的风险规避机制及方法。 This article begins with the analysis of the benefits of hosting the Olympic Games and the World Expo again in China and examines the political benefits, economic benefits, cultural benefits and social benefits brought by the re-hosting of the Olympic Games and the World Expo in China respectively. At the same time, it puts forward the possible political risks, economic risks, cultural risks and ecological risks that our country once again host the Olympic Games and the World Expo. At the same time, it provides practical and effective risk aversion mechanisms and methods.
Using interacting boson model, shape phase transitions from U(5) to O(6) and from U(5) to SU(3) are studied in the space of two control parameters. Some simple
东亚经济的成长路径中,改革与创新一直是释放活力的最佳来源。中国将如何推动新一轮改革,成为过去三个月,亚洲乃至全球的热点话题。  40多年前,当美国总统理查德·尼克松(Richard Milhous Nixon)踏上处于封闭时代的中国大地,这个国家在世界贸易总额中所占比重尚不足1%。彼时的中国,对国际金融事务几乎没有影响,因为在中国基本不存在外国投资,而中国对外投资也接近于零。  因此,对这个国家3
In order to measure the concentration of Pu in one high-level liquid waste (HLLW), anion ion exchange method combined with extraction method are used to separat
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A new type of pulse sources of multicharged ions,namely,a quasi-gasdynamic ECR source is propose.Its main difference from the classical ECR ion sources is a dif