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旅游产品的设计开发和市场运作体现了一个发达地区对旅游观念和旅游品牌的重视,也体现了一个旅游景区独特的认知远见和战略远见。打造独特的、有品位的、地方特色显著又深置传统文化且融入时尚元素的旅游产品,对提升旅游文化和实现旅游业的经济增长点具有独立的价值和意义。乐山作为自然遗产和文化遗产共享的双遗产所在地,其自然景观和人文景观旅游的品牌效应以及价值效应早已彰显出来,但其有特色有品位的旅游产品的开发与运作,却一直处于式微和滞后的状态。怎样去把握时代脉搏,抓住机遇,设计出有市场价值和投资前景的特色旅游产品,对促进乐山旅游文化的推动具有积极的意义,对乐山——峨眉山旅游经济的立体发展和旅游品位的提升也会产生积极效应。本文将以此为出发点进行探讨,以期引起各方关注,并共同推动乐山旅游产品开发的力度和速度。为旅游文化的进一步扩展寻找新的切入点,构建新的发展空间,并以此取得品牌打造与经济增长的双赢局面。 The design, development and market operation of tourism products embody the importance attached to tourism concepts and tourism brands in a developed region and also reflect the unique cognitive foresight and strategic vision of a tourist attraction. Creating a unique and tasteful tourism product with distinctive local characteristics, profound traditional culture and integration with fashion elements is of independent value and significance for promoting tourism culture and realizing the economic growth point of tourism. Leshan, as a site of dual heritage shared by natural and cultural heritages, has long been characterized by its brand effect and value effect of natural landscape and cultural landscape tourism. However, the development and operation of its unique and tasteful tourism product has always been in the meager and lagged stages status. How to seize the pulse of the times and seize the opportunity to design a special tourism product with market value and investment prospects has positive significance to promote the tourism culture of Leshan. The three-dimensional development of tourism economy and the promotion of tourism grade in Leshan-Emei Mountain It will also have a positive effect. This article will use this as a starting point to explore, with a view to arousing the attention of all parties, and jointly promote the development of Leshan tourism product strength and speed. Seek new entry points for the further expansion of tourism culture and build a new space for development and win the win-win situation between brand building and economic growth.
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