
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenwu
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  English classes are the most popular way in which people study English. But English classes are a very poor way of learning English. We spent a large part of our lives in English classes (in middle school, college, and in language schools), and we know what they are like. With all our knowledge of English classes and courses, we would be surprised if we met a person who has learned to speak English very well by going to English classes.
  Here is what you can do at an English class:
  Listen to some bad English. The pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary of other students (and sometimes the teacher, too) will be bad. Surely listening to these people will not make your English better.
  Say five sentences in English. There are usually more than 20 students in the class, so there is little time for you to speak English. Normal English classes are very poor speaking practice. (Conversation classes are better.)
  Listen to a few grammar rules, such as “the present continuous tense is used for talking about developing and changing situations”. Grammar rules may improve your scores in tests, but they do not improve your English.
  Do some grammar exercises. After talking about grammar rules, teachers usually give you some exercises, such as multiple1 choice or gap filling tests. Grammar exercises have two functions2: 1) they make you review the grammar rules, 2) they test your English. The first function is useless because grammar rules are useless. The second function, testing, is okay if you want to compare your knowledge with other people. But testing does not teach you any English.
  Get a homework assignment3. The homework is usually a grammar exercise or a composition. The subject of the composition will usually be some boring things that you don’t care about. Doing boring things is not going to help your English. It will only decrease4 your motivation5.
  完成家庭作業。作业通常是语法练习或作文。作文的主题通常是一些你不喜欢的无聊的事物。做无聊的事对你的英语学习没有帮助,只会降低你的(学习)动力。   English classes will not teach you good pronunciation (which is simply necessary for communication!). Most teachers completely ignore6 it, sometimes because their own pronunciation is bad. Some teachers will correct your mistakes when you speak. But very few teachers will tell you how you can avoid making the same mistakes again. Very few teachers will tell you about the sounds of English and how to use a dictionary to learn about the pronunciation of words.
  Most teachers will not encourage you to read in English, to buy a good English-English dictionary, to listen to English-language recordings on your own. They will just do their textbook and the exercises in it. If your teacher is different, you are lucky.
  This is what most English classes look like. Think about your classes. If they are like that—boring and ineffective7—then you are simply wasting your time.
  You can replace ineffective and boring classes with interesting things which will really improve your English:
  Instead of listening to bad English in the classroom, turn on your TV and watch some English-language channels. You will get lots of perfect sentences in excellent English.
  Instead of sitting for two hours to say five sentences in English, sign up for a conversation class with a native speaker. Or start speaking English with your best friend.
  Instead of working with a boring textbook, read something interesting. There are so many interesting texts in English!Surf to English-language sites on the Web. Read a good book in English. Simply, read something that interests you. Something that won’t bore you to death.
  Instead of memorizing grammar rules and doing grammar exercises, read and listen to English. Input is the only way to learn impressive, natural English.
  Instead of writing compositions about the subject that your teacher gave you, write about something that you care about. Don’t write for your teacher—write for yourself!
  1. multiple [ ] adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的
  2. function [ ] n. 功能
  3. assignment [ ] n. 分配;任务;作业;功课
  4. decrease [ ] v. 减少,减小
  5. motivation [ ] n. 动机;积极性
  6. ignore [ ] vt. 忽视;不理睬
  7. ineffective [ ] adj. 无效的,失效的;不起作用的
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摘自:英语百科网  一、读书学词汇  英语难学主要是因为词汇难学。有三个原因:第一个原因是英语的词汇量大。以一个知识分子常用的词而言,英语比中文多一至两倍,而翻译出来一个英语单词大约译为两个汉字。中文是以单音字砌成的,由单音字组合变化,但很多英语单词是以词根构成的。中国人学英语词汇困难的第二个原因是有些英语单词没有一模一样的中文对译。例如,名词apple译作“苹果”是绝对的,但handsome、b
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