Regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling by herpesviruses

来源 :World Journal of Virology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caobing1983
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The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is instrumental in successful differentiation and proliferation of mammalian cells. It is therefore not surprising that the herpesvirus family has developed mechanisms to interact with and manipulate this pathway. Successful coexistence with the host requires that herpesviruses establish a lifelong infection that includes periods of latency and reactivation or persistence. Many herpesviruses establish latency in progenitor cells and viral reactivation is linked to host-cell proliferation and differentiation status. Importantly, Wnt/β-catenin is tightly connected to stem/progenitor cell maintenance and differentiation. Numerous studies have linked Wnt/β-catenin signaling to a variety of cancers, emphasizing the importance of Wnt/β-catenin pathways in development, tissue homeostasis and disease. This review details how the alpha-, beta-, and gammaherpesviruses interact and manipulate the Wnt/β-catenin pathway to promote a virus-centric agenda. The Wnt / β-catenin signaling pathway is instrumental in successful differentiation and proliferation of mammalian cells. It has not surprising that the herpesvirus family has developed mechanisms to interact with and manipulate this pathway. Successful coexistence with the host requires that herpesviruses establish a lifelong infection that includes periods of latency and reactivation or persistence. Many herpesviruses establish latency in progenitor cells and viral reactivation is linked to host-cell proliferation and differentiation status. Importantly, Wnt / β-catenin is tightly connected to stem / progenitor cell maintenance and differentiation Numerous studies have linked Wnt / β-catenin signaling to a variety of cancers, emphasizing the importance of Wnt / β-catenin pathways in development, tissue homeostasis and disease. This review details how the alpha-, beta-, and gammaherpesvirus interact and manipulate the Wnt / β-catenin pathway to promote a virus-centric agenda.
本文从“辽宁省社会钢琴教育现状调查与分析研究”课题研究的可行性探析入手,介绍课题研究主要内容和课题研究的意义之所在。在交流研究经验的同时,兼具弘扬地方音乐文化的作用。  【关键词】社会钢琴;教育;调查;分析;研究  我国钢琴教育经历了几个历史时期的变革,现如今已经形成了较为完善的体系,并在国际上占据了较高的水平,教学成果显著。由于我国地大物博,人口众多,随着国民对素质教育的重视,钢琴热持续升温,大
“公元前490年,越王勾践建都 绍兴,从会稽山麓到山阴平原,大 臣范蠡奉命兴建‘勾践小城’和 ‘山阴大城’,开创了绍兴建城的历 史。在春秋战国之后的相当长的时 期内,绍兴一
目的 探讨痉挛性脑瘫感觉和运动能力障碍的特点与机制。方法 分析 10 2例痉挛性脑瘫患儿临床感觉和运动能力的观察结果。取材 2 5例痉挛性脑瘫的周围神经标本 40个 ,骨骼肌