Surface characteristics of rapidly solidified nickel-based superalloy pow-ders prepared by PREP

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongzathu
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The surface microstructure and the surface segregation of FGH95 nickel-based superalloy powders prepared through plasma rotating electrode processing (PREP) have been investigated by using SEM and AES. The results indicate that the surface microstructure of powders changes from dendrite into cellular structure as the particle size of powders de-crease, and the predominant precipitates solidified on the particle surfaces were identified as MC’ type carbides enriched with Nb and Ti. It was also indicated that along with the depth of particle surfaces, the segregation layer of S, C and O ele-ments are thick, and that of Ti, Cr elements are thin for large size powders while they are in reverse for median size parti-cles. The surface microstructure and the surface segregation of FGH95 nickel-based superalloy powders prepared through plasma rotating electrode processing (PREP) have been investigated by using SEM and AES. The results that that surface microstructure of powders changes from dendrite into cellular structure as the particle size of powders de-crease, and the predominant precipitates solidified on the particle surfaces were identified as MC ’type carbides enriched with Nb and Ti. It was also indicated that along with the depth of particle surfaces, the segregation layer of S, C and O ele-ments are thick, and that of Ti, Cr elements are thin for large size powders while they are in reverse for median size parti- cles.
Automotive Safety Technology Seminar, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Machinery Industry, P.R. China, General Motors and Delphi Automotive System, and organize
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