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到了不惑之年,我特别喜爱一个人静坐在茶馆,闻着淡淡的茶香,一个人在属于自己的空间悠闲地点着一支香烟,习惯于腾云驾雾般吐出犹如人之规律的圆圈。烟圈扭曲着渐渐上升,由小变大,由浓渐淡,尽管那不够完美的烟圈,顷刻间消失在空间,也不时感到一种惬意;然后慢条斯理地弹掉快要垂落的烟灰,将燃烧半节的烟卷,从两手指的根部,慢慢移到两指尖端,那半节烟头不时在满是烟雾的狭小空间里闪着火光。忽而起身在不过两米的距离来回踱着 To the age of perplexity, I particularly like a person sitting in a tea house quietly, smelling a touch of tea, a person in their own space leisurely at a cigarette, used to the clouds like a law of the fog spit out the circle. Smoke circle twisted with the gradual increase, from small to large, gradually diminished from the thick, although that is not perfect smoke ring, instantly disappear in space, from time to time feel a pleasant; then slowly fall off the soot to be about to fall, will burn Half a roll of cigarettes, from the roots of both fingers, slowly moved to the tip of the fingertips, and that half of the cigarette from time to time in a small space full of smoke flashing flames. Suddenly, I started to walk back and forth at a distance of two meters
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孙冬  孙冬,诗人,南京财经大学教授,诗歌和文章见于国内外期刊。  高等数学  每杀一个人,你就再拯救一个人  或者1.5个, 或者相反  谁还会认真?  至少一个男人的诞生就是杀掉一个男孩  加上0.1是  他身体里的女孩  还有无法计量的家伙  精算师的灵感来自天秤座密码  5M>1M>5>1>1.5>偶然性,校训像一个转经筒的高等动物园里,  一个被下咒的动物如何  停止计算呢?  每杀一个
在教学改革的实践中,作者结合数学教学经验,针对反思法教学在工作上的应用,从五个方面谈了自己的认识。 In the practice of teaching reform, the author has combined his