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根据河南省春早、温度回升慢、雨季较晚的气候特点,烤烟采用地膜覆盖栽培可以增温、保墒,促进根系生长,有利于养分的保存和转化,并能减轻病虫危害,增产增质效果显著,总体经济效益可以提高20%以上。但也有一些烟区地膜覆盖却不能发挥应有的作用,其主要原因一是没有掌握好地膜覆盖的方法,二是忽视了与之相关的配套技术。烤烟地膜覆盖栽培有以下几点主要技术要求,其它方面的技术管理措施同常规栽培方法。 1.选择地膜 选择厚薄适中的薄膜,一般情况下薄膜厚度以0.010—0.015毫米为宜。也可以用厚度为0.005毫米、抗张强度大、不易破损的超薄薄膜。无色透明薄膜透光率高、增温效果好,并有一定的避蚜效果,因此在生产中应用广泛。为了减少烟田污染,最好选用可降解薄膜。 2.覆盖方法 起垄后挖直径14—16厘米、深12—14厘米的坑,移栽烟苗,栽后烟苗应低于垄面2—3厘米,为 According to the early spring of Henan Province, slow temperature rise and later rainy season climatic characteristics, flue-cured tobacco mulching can increase the temperature, maintain soil moisture and promote root growth, which is good for the preservation and transformation of nutrients, and can reduce pests and diseases and increase production and quality The effect is remarkable, the overall economic benefits can be increased by more than 20%. However, there are also some tobacco mulching areas that can not play their due role. One of the main reasons is that there is no method of covering the mulch and the other is to neglect the related supporting technologies. Flue-cured tobacco film mulching cultivation of the following major technical requirements, other aspects of technical management practices with conventional cultivation methods. 1. Select the appropriate thickness of the film to choose the film, under normal circumstances the film thickness of 0.010-0.015 mm is appropriate. You can also use a thickness of 0.005 mm, tensile strength, not easily damaged ultra-thin film. Colorless transparent film with high light transmittance, good warming effect, and have a certain effect of avoiding aphids, so widely used in the production. In order to reduce tobacco pollution, it is best to use biodegradable film. 2. Covering Method Ridging ditch after digging a diameter of 14-16 cm, 12-14 cm deep pit, transplanting tobacco, tobacco seedlings should be planted 2-3 cm lower than the ridge, as
一、概述 我国水能资源丰富,建国以来已建成一批规模宏伟和技术水平较高的水利水电工程。以水电地下工程建设为例,据不完全统计,已建各种水工隧洞总长达200公里,其中洞长超