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银杏大多为雌雄异株,雄株只开雄花丽不结种实,仅起提供花粉的作用;惟有雌株才能提供种实——白果。实生苗或野生植株,在非挂果时期如何区别其雌雄性别?如何确保接穗来自真正的雌株或雄株作(授粉树)用必不可少?在生产中具有非常重要的意义。这里介绍从株形、叶片、花序上区别雌雄株的方法。 (一)株形区别。(1)一般同令苗木雌株比雄株矮小、粗壮,且横枝多、发芽晚、落叶早。(2)雌株主枝与主干的夹角大,向四方横展,有时下垂,生长势较弱;而雄株主枝与主干夹角小,挺直上耸,雄壮有力,生长势强。(3)雌株形成的树冠早,枝条分布较乱,下部大枝多,天然树冠呈广卯形;雄株形成树冠时间晚,枝条分布均匀,层次清楚,多 Ginkgo mostly dioecious, the male plants only open male flowers do not end the kind of seed, only to provide the role of pollen; only the female plant to provide seed - ginkgo. How to make sure that the scion comes from a true female or male plant (pollination tree) is essential? It is of great importance in the production of seedlings or wild plants. Here is a description of the plant shape, leaves, inflorescence on the male and female strains of the method. (A) plant-shaped difference. (1) In general, the female plants of seedlings are shorter than the male plants, stout, with horizontal branches and late sprouting and early deciduous leaves. (2) The angle between the main branch of the female plant and the trunk is large, spreading to the four sides, and sometimes drooping. The growing potential is weak. However, the angle between the main branch of the male plant and the trunk is small, and stands uprightly, strong and vigorous. (3) The crown of the female plant formed earlier and its branches distributed more disorderly. The branches of the lower part were large and the crown of the lower part was wide. The crown of the male plant was late, the branches were distributed evenly, and the layers were clear.
本文介绍矩形区组方“RBS”增广设计及其在树木育种中的应用,“RBS”增广设计的方差分析和遗传分析的数学模型,并举例介绍其计算过程. This paper introduces the rectangular