锲而不舍 开拓创新 全力推进我省新阶段扶贫开发

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推进新阶段扶贫开发是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六大精神,全面建设小康社会、加快富民兴黔步伐的重大措施。省委九届三次全体会议作出了《中共贵州省委关于加大新阶段扶贫开发工作力度的决定》,进一步明确了新阶段扶贫开发的总体思路、工作重点和目标任务,提出了一些新的重大政策措施。全省各级政府一定要按照《决定》要求,抢抓机遇,加快发展,加大力度开创新阶段扶贫开发工作新局面。中央实施西部大开发战略和推进新阶段扶贫开发工作以来,我省经济增长速度持续高于全国平均水平,经济社会发展进入了新的历史时期。特别是省委、省政府作出《关于切实做好新阶段扶贫开发工作的决定》以来,各级党委、政府把扶贫开发作为落实“三个代表”重要思想的具体行动,全面推进新阶段扶贫开发,取得了明显成效,两年间又解决了80万贫困人口的温饱问题。但是,由于 Poverty alleviation and development in the new phase are major measures for implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, building an overall well-to-do society and speeding up the process of enriching the people and developing Guizhou. The third plenary session of the Ninth CPC Provincial Committee has made the “Decision of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee on Increasing the Poverty Alleviation and Development in the New Stage,” further clarifying the overall mentality, priorities and goals of poverty alleviation and development in the new phase and put forward some new and important Policy measures. The governments at all levels in the province must, according to the requirements of the “Decision,” seize the opportunity and speed up their development and step up efforts to open up a new phase of poverty alleviation and development in the new phase. Since the Central Government implemented the strategy of developing the western region and promoted poverty alleviation and development in the new phase, the economic growth rate in our province has continuously surpassed the national average and the economic and social development has entered a new historical period. Since the provincial party committee and government have made the “Decision on Practically Poverty Alleviation and Development in the New Stage,” party committees and governments at all levels have taken poverty alleviation and development as concrete actions for implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and have pushed forward the new phase in an all-round way Poverty alleviation and development have achieved remarkable results. In two years, they solved the problem of food and clothing for 800,000 poor people. But due to
恐怕没有哪一个国家的国有企业像中国这样数量如此之多而且在国民经济中所占的比例又是如此之大。 就目前而言,“振兴中华”的强国之梦在经济上只能、也必须依靠强大的企业群
1.日月潭(图1) 日月潭是台湾著名风景区,在南投县的丛山中,潭水深达8米,潭中的珠子岛高出水面18米,把潭水分为日潭、月潭,故称日月潭。游人泛舟可登临小岛,观赏环潭风光。潭
用炸弹钩钓鱼在收线时易被挂。某日突发奇想:如果给炸弹钩戴顶帽子,当收线时这顶帽子作开路先锋,为炸弹钩“杀”出一条通道,炸弹钩不就畅通无阻了吗。 有一种“灭害灵”的塑
贾国哲在《电子财会》今年第6期上发表了《总会计师职权、地位和权力的理论探讨》一文。文中论述了总会计师设置应处理好的几个关系问题: (一)总会计师与总经济师的关系问题