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刑法解释的保守性命题有利于准确把握当下中国刑法的主观解释与客观解释之争、形式解释与实质解释之争的内核,主张合理权衡刑法的秩序维护与人权保障之间的紧张关系,以最终达致在适当照顾刑法的秩序维护机能的前提下,尽力实现刑法的人权保障机能(以及个别公正、实质公正)的最佳价值权衡状态。该命题特别注意区分不同情形以具体确认解释个案的妥当性问题:对于“当下应定罪而没有定罪的立法规定”之情形,刑法解释的保守性命题从有利于刑法的人权保障机能的特别考量出发,明确肯定刑法的主观解释和形式解释因有利于恰当实现刑法的人权保障机能而具有的合理性,同时确认刑法的客观解释和实质解释因不利于恰当实现刑法的人权保障机能而存在的不当性;对于“当下不应定罪而有定罪的立法规定”之情形,刑法解释的保守性命题相应地明确肯定刑法的客观解释和实质解释因有利于恰当实现刑法的人权保障机能而具有的合理性,同时确认刑法的主观解释和形式解释因不利于恰当实现刑法的人权保障机能而存在的不当性。在此基础上,此命题有效契合了罪刑法定原则和刑法谦抑性的基本要求,有利于具体恰当地解决刑法疑难案件的定罪量刑问题,具备刑法解释学意义上的充分的正当性。 The conservative proposition of criminal law interpretation is conducive to accurately grasping the core of contemporary dispute between the subjective interpretation and objective interpretation of Chinese criminal law and the dispute between formal interpretation and substantive interpretation and advocating a reasonable weighing of the tension between the order maintenance and the protection of human rights in criminal law. So as to achieve the best value trade-off of human rights protection function (and individual fairness, materiality and fairness) under the criminal law on the premise of proper care of the order maintenance function of criminal law. This proposition pays particular attention to distinguishing between different situations in order to concretely confirm the properness of the interpretation of the case: In the case of the “current legislative provisions that should be convicted but not convicted”, the conservative proposition of the interpretation of criminal law starts from the special safeguarding of human rights in criminal law Consider the starting point, clearly affirmed the subjective interpretation of the criminal law and the formal interpretation of the criminal law because it is conducive to the proper realization of the human rights protection function has the rationality, while confirming the objective interpretation and substantive interpretation of the criminal law because of unfavorable to the proper realization of criminal law human rights protection exists Improper; for “the current criminal law should not be convicted of the provisions of the law”, the conservative proposition of the criminal law correspondingly expressly affirmed the objective interpretation and substantive interpretation of criminal law due to the appropriate realization of the human rights protection function of criminal law has the While confirming the subjective and formal explanations of the criminal law due to the improper existence of the right to human rights protection in criminal law. On this basis, this proposition effectively meets the basic requirements of the statutory principle of criminal punishment and the restraining nature of criminal law, which is conducive to the specific and proper resolution of the conviction and sentencing of difficult cases in criminal law and has the full legitimacy in the sense of the interpretation of criminal law.
一、问题的提出所谓使用性盗窃,是指行为人基于返还的意思,未经允许而私自暂时性地使用他人财物的行为,属于民法理论所说的无权使用(furtum usus)的表现类型之一,与之相似的