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随着经济社会的不断发展,水利测绘工作面临着新情况、新任务,思想政治工作是水利测绘队伍稳定的保障。加强水利测绘队伍思想政治工作有利于丰富水利测绘事业的内涵。因此,加强和改进思想政治工作方法对于水利测绘队伍的建设具有重要的意义。本文通过分析加强水利测绘队伍思想政治工作的意义,着力拓展思想政治工作的广度和深度,对加强水利测绘队伍思想政治工作的方法做了初步探讨,力图深化水利改革。 With the constant development of economy and society, water surveying and mapping work is confronted with new situations, new tasks and ideological and political work as the guarantee for the stability of the water resources survey and mapping team. Reinforcing the ideological and political work of the team of hydraulic surveying and mapping is conducive to enriching the connotation of the cause of water surveying and mapping. Therefore, to strengthen and improve the methods of ideological and political work is of great significance to the construction of the team of water resources surveying and mapping. Through analyzing the significance of strengthening the ideological and political work of the team of hydraulic surveying and mapping, this article tries hard to expand the breadth and depth of the ideological and political work, makes preliminary discussions on how to strengthen the ideological and political work of the team of hydraulic surveying and mapping, and tries hard to deepen the water conservancy reform.
实行城乡水务一体化管理、促进城乡水生态系统建设,实现巴彦淖尔市水资源良性循环,优化配置和可持续利用。 Implementation of integrated management of urban and rural w
Objective: This study was undertaken to examine surgical management of patients with ovarian remnant syndrome. Study design: Data were abstracted from records o
预裂爆破是利用相邻炮孔内炸药爆轰时瞬间产生的应力和爆生高压气体的气楔作用,使得岩石沿相邻炮孔的轴线形成一条裂缝,从而在以后的开挖中形成一个平整和稳定的面。 Prespl