Flow Stress Model of Stainless Steel 0Cr13Ni5Mo at Elevated Temperature

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuking
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For a more accurate forming calculation and numerical simulation of hydraulic turbine blade, experimental studies on the flow stress of stainless steel 0Cr13Ni5Mo were carried out upon Gleeble-1500 thermal simulator under different deformation conditions.The results then were analyzed and the effects of all influencing factors were summarized consequently.New mathematic models were conceived.Utilizing the software Matlab, regression coefficients were calculated by the least square method.The model has an eminent capability of curve-fitting performance with impact structure whose correlation coefficient is up to 0.9080 and the cosine coefficient is 0.9958.All mathematic models and process parameters can be used in engineering calculations or computer simulations. For a more accurate forming calculation and numerical simulation of hydraulic turbine blades, experimental studies on the flow stress of stainless steel 0Cr13Ni5Mo were carried out upon Gleeble-1500 thermal simulator under different deformation conditions. The results then were analyzed and the effects of all influencing factors were analyzed automatically. New mathematic models were conceived. Utilizing the software Matlab, regression coefficients were calculated by the least square method. model has an eminent capability of curve-fitting performance with impact structure whose correlation coefficient is up to 0.9080 and the cosine coefficient is 0.9958.All mathematic models and process parameters can be used in engineering calculations or computer simulations.
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