The Study on 3rd Grade Chinese Primary Student’s English Learning Motivation: Is there a difference

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  【Abstract】This paper aimed at exploring Chinese primary students’ English-learning orientation from the perspective of various L2 motivation concepts. The particular interest of this research was the investigation of whether or not there were any differencesin terms of motivation among urban and rural students and reasons behind the difference. The participants comprised 30 3rd grade primary students from Heze Experimental Primary School. A set of questionnaire was used to collected data. The findings indicate that urban students displayed a significantly higher level of motivation than rural students. The results also showed that urban students are more intrinsic-oriented and active in English learning while rural students are more instrumental-oriented and passive. Future research drawn from this research were presented in the end.
  【Key words】urban students; rural students; learning motivation; motivation orientation
  【关键词】城市学生 农村学生 学习动机 动机取向
  1. Introduction
  Motivation, as one of the most important variables that impacts language-learning outcomes (D?rnyei, 1998), has been studied and explored by many scholars within the context of EFL in recent decades. However, few studies have been done on the contrast between Chinese primary urban and rural students’ motivation.
  In China, students are assigned to a school according to their home address. In fact, many parents, especially the ones who live in the rural areas, tend to send their children to better schools in the city. From my personal teaching observation as a primary school teacher, I have found from time to time that most rural students tend to show less enthusiasm when it comes to learning English compared to their urban classmates. These observations have triggered the present study, which aims to explore 3rd grade Chinese students’ motivation for studying English, with an emphasis on comparison and contrast between urban and rural students.A set of motivation-orientation questionnaire was distributed among participants in order to answer the following two questions:
  a. Is there any difference between Chinese primary urban and rural students’ English-leaning motivation?
  b. Which motivation orientation has the strongest influence on urban and rural students?   2. Literature Review
  Motivation, as defined by Chang (1997), is an internal force,which prompts an individual to develop an inclination toward various behaviours. In the second language (L2) acquisition context, motivation not only effects students’ learningprocess but also their performance and achievements. Therefore, in the past few decades, numerous research works have been generated onmotivation.
  Gardner and his colleagues proposed the socio-educational model (Gardner 1985). This model aims to explore learners’ motivation from a social and cultural perspective and introduces two key types of orientations to the L2-motivation research. Integrative orientation refers to an openness toward the target-language group and the interest to interact with it. Instrumental orientation, as a counterpart of integrative orientation, is about learning the target language for pragmatic reasons. However, with the development of the global status of English, the integrative orientation has been questioned by many scholars.
  Because of the limitation of Gardners’ theory, various research works were carried outduring the 1990s to emphasiseon an individual’s cognitive aspects of motivation (D?rnyei, 1990). Deci and Ryan (1985) developed the self-determination theory, which made a distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic of motivation.Extrinsic Motivation refers to behaviour that is driven by external rewards, while intrinsic motivation refers to behaviour that is driven by inherent pleasure.
  Apart from the literature mentioned above, there are many other influential motivation theories, such as expectancy-value theories, which deeply influenced the L2 motivation research area, and they have their own way of classifying rules. However, the questionnaire only adapted Gardner’s socio-educational model and the self-determination theory due to the length of the research. In the next section,the usage of the motivation-orientation questionnaire to collect data will be discussed.
  3. Methodology
  3.1 Participants
  The total number of participants in this study were 30 pupils who were placed into two groups based on their household registration, each group have 15 students. All of the participants comes from the 3rd grade of Heze Experimental Primary School, and they were randomly chosen by according to their willingness to participate. The survey wasconducted in a regular classroom setting andwas permitted by students’ guardians. The participants were given 20 minutes to finish the questionnaire and were informed that the data collection would maintain confidentiality and anonymity.   3.2 Instrument
  As a flexible and efficient tool, a questionnaire was designed to assess students’ language-learning motivation. The questionnaire was originally developed in English. However, aset of the Chinese version of the questionnaire wasalso distributed among the participants,in consideration of their elementary language level. There were two sections in the questionnaire: student profile and motivation orientations. The first section aimed to collect students’ background information. Adapted from the Attitudes and Motivation Test Battery (Gardner
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听说各地高考改革方案纷纷要拿英语“开刀”了,有人问了我一个假设性的问题:假如全中国的中小学一夜之间取消了英语课,会怎么样?我认真地想了想,回答说:不会怎么样,说不定还是好事呢。  不是在说反话,我是认真的。  我从事外贸工作10年了,作为公司的海外市场主管,经常会面试一些前来求职的大学毕业生。最初看到他们的简历时,我对他们总是充满期待:瞧瞧,全是大学英语四级六级,其中还不乏专业英语八级或者国际贸易
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策划:本刊编辑部  调查实施:金仲儿 汪元 屠晓丹 陈镭 罗俊杰 郭立  撰文:翁建平 金仲儿 范德清 汪元 袁中庆 徐晖 汪晴初 顾葆春  上一次做2004年度的“青春TOP5”时的情景还记忆犹新,现在已经在盘点2005年了。  时尤总是在不经意间滑过指缝,让人不禁想起那句伤感的歌词:“我的青春小鸟一去不回来……”有时候觉得,我们的工作就像是要在小鸟飞过的天空中寻找翅膀的影迹。  回顾一年来的青
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【摘要】根据现代《诗经》学及意象理论研究,意象是《诗经》篇什中十分重要的艺术手法,增添了诗歌的意境美,极大的增强了其艺术表现能力,同时也给翻译工作带来很大困难,使得译语者也很难感受到原文意象想要传达的意义。本文旨在探讨意象翻译中意义传达的问题,从而进一步研究意象翻译的方法和审美效果,以期为《诗经》意象翻译研究提供新的视角,提高翻译质量。  【关键词】接受美学 《诗经》 意象翻译  一、引言  作为