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目的 :通过分析 6 5位大学生的反应性AC/A测量方法和结果 ,探讨和评价一种新的反应性AC/A测量方法及其在研究迟发性近视发生发展中的作用。方法 :在Jiang和JaneGwiazda的反应性AC/A测量方法的原理基础上 ,逐步改进设备和方法 ,设计出测量方法。先选取 5位大学生进行预实验 ,每位都以同样的方法进行两次测量 ,两次结果无差别 (P >0 .0 5 )。然后用此方法测量计算出 6 5位大学生 (正视组 2 0位、迟发性近视组 4 5位 )的反应性AC/A值。结果 :迟发性近视组的反应性AC/A值均比正视组高 ,两者差别有非常显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :此测量方法所用的装置简单且部分可自制 ,测量方法设计合理 ,结果误差小 ,是研究近视发生发展机制的一种很好的方法 ,可以推广应用。测量反应性AC/A值在研究迟发性近视发生发展机制中起着重要的作用。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate and evaluate a new reactive AC / A measurement and its role in the study of the development of delayed myopia by analyzing the methods and results of reactive AC / A in 65 college students. Methods: Based on the principle of reactive AC / A measurement method of Jiang and Jane Gwiazda, the equipment and method were gradually improved to design the measurement method. Five college students were selected to conduct the pre-experiment. Two measurements were performed in the same way for each of the two students. There was no difference between the two results (P> 0.05). This method was then used to measure the reactive AC / A values ​​of 65 college students (20 in the frontal group and 45 in the delayed myopia group). Results: The reactive AC / A values ​​of delayed myopia group were higher than that of the positive group, the difference was significant (P <0.01). Conclusion: The measurement method used in the device is simple and part of the self-made, the measurement method is reasonable design, the results of small error is to study the development mechanism of myopia is a good way to promote the application. Measurement of reactive AC / A value in the study of the mechanism of development of delayed myopia plays an important role.
玩过Pocket PC的朋友都知道PPC有内建的红外线端子,但很多人都不会使用,所以它也就成了一个摆设。其实红外线端子功能的使用方法很简单,只要几个步骤就可以轻松地利用它达到
目的  检测cyclinDl及Ki67在鼻咽癌中的表达,探讨其与鼻咽癌的生物学行为及预后的关系。方法  收集我院1996年鼻咽癌放疗前活检组织石蜡标本56例,应用cyclinDl及Ki67单克
Objective: To reveal the mechanism and effect of SU5416 in the treatment of mouse Lewis cancer in vivo. Methods: Lewis cell was transplanted into groin of C57/B