Application of hydrological models in a snowmelt region of Aksu River Basin

来源 :Water Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong540
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This study simulated and predicted the runoff of the Aksu River Basin, a typical river basin supplied by snowmelt in an arid mountain region, with a limited data set and few hydrological and meteorological stations. Two hydrological models, the snowmelt-runoff model (SRM) and the Danish NedbΦr-AfstrΦmnings rainfall-runoff model (NAM), were used to simulate daily discharge processes in the Aksu River Basin. This study used the snow-covered area from MODIS remote sensing data as the SRM input. With the help of ArcGIS software, this study successfully derived the digital drainage network and elevation zones of the basin from digital elevation data. The simulation results showed that the SRM based on MODIS data was more accurate than NAM. This demonstrates that the application of remote sensing data to hydrological snowmelt models is a feasible and effective approach to runoff simulation and prediction in arid unguaged basins where snowmelt is a major runoff factor. This study simulated and predicted the runoff of the Aksu River Basin, a typical river basin supplied by snowmelt in an arid mountain region, with a limited data set and few hydrological and meteorological stations. Two hydrological models, the snowmelt-runoff model (SRM) and the Danish NedbΦr-AfstrΦmnings rainfall-runoff model (NAM), were used to simulate daily discharge processes in the Aksu River Basin. This study used the snow-covered area from MODIS remote sensing data as the SRM input. With the help of ArcGIS software, this study successfully derived the digital drainage network and elevation zones of the basin from digital elevation data. The simulation results showed that the SRM based on MODIS data was more accurate than NAM. This demonstrates that the application of remote sensing data to hydrological snowmelt models is a feasible and effective approach to runoff simulation and prediction in arid unguaged basins where snowmelt is a major runoff factor.
本文主要探讨非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者中,脂质和脂蛋白(LP)各组份与将来发生冠心病危险性(CR)之间的关系。 方法 NIDDM患者313(男153、女160)例,均不合并肝、肾、甲
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冲淡疗法治疗高血脂症366例观察丁为卓,王学林,刘秀惠中国人民解放军威海陆军医院(264200)1临床资料1.1一般资料男性242例,女性124例,年龄45~55岁105例,55~80岁261例,年龄结构与国内统计资料相接近。1.2诊断标准1.2.轻... 366 C