Printable elastic silver nanowire-based conductor for washable electronic textiles

来源 :纳米研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianaiguo
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Printable elastic conductors promote the wide application of consumable electronic textiles (e-textiles) for pervasive healthcare monitoring and wearable computation.To assure a clean appearance,the e-textiles require a washing process to clean up the dirt after daily use.Thus,it is crucial to develop low-cost printable elastic conductors with strong adhesion to the textiles.Here,we report a composite elastic conductor based on Ag nanowires (NWs) and polyurethane elastomer.The composite could be dispersed into ink and easily printed onto textiles.One-step print could form robust conductive coatings without sealing on the textiles.Interestingly,the regional concentration of Ag NWs within the polyurethane matrix was observed during phase inversion,endowing the elastic conductor with a low percolation threshold of 0.12 vol.% and high conductivity of 3,668 S·cm-1.Thanks to the high adhesion of the elastic conductors,the resulted e-textiles could withstand repeated stretching,folding,and machine washing (20 times) without obvious performance decay,which reveals its potential application in consumable e-textiles.
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