Passive control experiment of building with spacious first story by magnet-friction energy dissipati

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baogehaohao
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Based on the former performance capacity experiments of the magnet-friction energy dissipation devices, including the permanent magnet-friction energy dissipation device (PMF) and electromagnet-friction energy dissipation devices (EMF), a 5-story steel frame model with spacious first story is designed and made according to a scale of 1/4. The magnet-friction energy dissipation devices can realize continuously varied controlling force, with rapid response and reverse recognition. Therefore, they overcome shortcomings usually found in energy dissipation devices whose force models are invariable. The two kinds of devices were fixed on the flexible first story of the structure model, and the shaking table tests have been carried out, respectively. In these tests, the performance of the devices and their effectiveness in structural control were confirmed. In this paper, the test results and analysis are discussed. Based on the former performance capacity experiments of the magnet-friction energy dissipation devices, including the permanent magnet-friction energy dissipation device (PMF) and electromagnet-friction energy dissipation devices (EMF), a 5-story steel frame model with spacious first story is designed and made according to a scale of 1/4. The magnet-friction energy dissipation devices can realize continuously varied controlling force, with rapid response and reverse recognition. Therefore, they overcome short response The two kinds of devices were fixed on the flexible first story of the structure model, and the shaking table tests have been carried out, respectively. Respectively These in, the performance of the devices and their effectiveness in structural control were confirmed. paper, the test results and analysis are discussed.
吴县桥梁管理处在兴建白洋湾煤场和南门煤场工程的施工中,采用了 V_(86)型砼真空吸水装置,本文主要介绍该装置的特点及应用效果。一、V_(86)型真空吸水装置的特点1.吸水口位
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