
来源 :衡阳师专学报(社会科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomjack110
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社会主义企业的工人阶级包括厂长(经理)和职工群众,他们都是企业的主人;但主体则是战斗在生产、科研、管理第一线的广大职工群众。只有在广大职工群众成为企业管理的主体的条件下,厂长(经理)才能作为工人阶级的优秀分子和代表而很好地发挥作用。科技革命和现代生产的发展,使工人在生产过程中由单纯地使用机器,成为控制、监视、调试、修理、革新、研制机器的主体。这不仅要求工人熟谙生产工艺和流程,掌握机器的原理、结构、性能、运行规律,而且更需要工人具有高度的责任心和主动性,生产中及时发现问题,排除故障,避免损失;不断献计献策,开拓创新,推动科技进步,降低成本,提高效益,企业才能在现代竞争中不致落伍而被淘汰。广大工人阶级的主动性、责任心的强弱对生产经营的影响越来越重大,现代工业发展,客观上要求工人阶级参与管理并成为企业管理的主体。 The working class of the socialist enterprise includes the director (manager) and the workers and the masses. They are the masters of the enterprise; but the main body is the broad masses of workers and staff who fought in the front line of production, scientific research and management. Only when the majority of workers and staff members become the subject of enterprise management can the director (manager) play a role as an outstanding member and representative of the working class. The revolution in science and technology and the development of modern production have enabled workers to simply use machines in the production process and become the subject of control, surveillance, commissioning, repair, innovation, and development of machines. This not only requires the workers to be familiar with the production process and process, master the principle, structure, performance, and operation of the machine, but also requires the workers to have a high sense of responsibility and initiative, find problems in production, eliminate problems, and avoid losses; , Exploiting and innovating, promoting scientific and technological progress, lowering costs, and improving efficiency, can enterprises be eliminated in the modern competition without falling behind. The influence of the initiative and responsibility of the broad working class on production and management has become more and more important. The development of modern industry objectively requires the working class to participate in management and become the main body of enterprise management.
孩子是从父亲那里学会如何做男人,从母亲那里学会如何做女人的。请认真地读一读下面这个孩子在父亲节写给父亲的一首诗,我们或许可以从中领略到父母是如何用自己的言行造就下一代的:   爸,你没有这样做     爸,你本可能有另一种生活,   离开妈妈去寻求自己的欢乐,   可是爸,你没有这样做;     爸,你本可能每晚在歌厅酒吧度过,   在喧嚣和吵闹声中横躺竖卧,   可是爸,你没有这样做;     
在治理整顿中,一种反差很大的经济现象发人深思:当一批企业为资金短缺、市场疲软等诸多难题所困扰的时候,另一批企业却生机勃勃,继续保持着旺盛发展的势头。 1988年上缴税利