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粘土矿物的微孔隙度是利用岩石薄片的反向散射电子显微图象的计算机辅助图象分析测定的。成岩高岭石具有种种结构,其微孔隙度值分布范围较广,从15%到61%。成岩绿泥石通常具有均匀的颗粒膜结构,微孔隙度约为50%。纤维状伊利石黏土很难用同样的方法表征(已记录的平均微孔隙度为63%),但是由扫描电子显微镜分析所得的立体图象对的分析表明,伊利石的微孔隙度约达90%。黏土微孔隙度资料可用于计算砂岩中黏土矿物中的有效孔隙体积和黏土束缚水的体积。将黏土的重量百分比转化为体积百分比很重要。微孔隙度数据对于那些含水饱和度与黏土矿物类型、结构和体积有关的地方的V_(页岩)评价是有价值的。 Microporosity of clay minerals is determined using computer aided image analysis of backscattered electron microscopic images of rock flakes. Diagenetic kaolinite has various structures with a wide range of microporosity values ​​ranging from 15% to 61%. Diagenetic chlorites usually have a uniform granular film structure with a microporosity of about 50%. Fibrous illite clay is difficult to characterize in the same way (an average recorded porosity of 63%), but analysis of stereoscopic pairs analyzed by scanning electron microscopy revealed that illite has a microporosity of about 90 %. Clay microporosity data can be used to calculate the effective pore volume in clay minerals in sandstone and the volume of clay bound water. It is important to convert the weight percentage of clay to volume percentage. Microporosity data are valuable for those V_ (shale) evaluations where water saturation is related to clay mineral types, structure, and volume.
《红楼梦》,一部集政治、历史、文化、美学于一身的传奇卷宗,最为仪态万方地体现了中国文学的熠熠光彩。A Dream of Red Mansions,an encyclopedic legendary masterpiece em
病例介绍患者 ,男性 ,37岁 ,住院号 42 1185。于1994年 3月无明显诱因下感全身骨骼酸痛 ,同时伴有发热、咳嗽、咳痰 ,在澳洲当地医院诊断为“左侧肺炎”。当时查血常规示 WBC
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