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Last Thanksgiving,I was invited by my high school’s headmaster and his family,to a house in Upstate New York for a 10-day vacation.(My high school was in a little town in Pennsylvania) A place like this,of mountains and trees with almost no trace of human,with gray blurred sky and cold fresh air,is called “the middle of nowhere” according to my headmaster as well as those people in many American films and TV series.November in this place is just the time for hunting.I remembered many big tall guys in light orange hunting suits walked across the leafless trees.Hunting for lots of them was just a mean of chasing after fun,but some got luck Last Thanksgiving, I was invited by my high school’s headmaster and his family, to a house in Upstate New York for a 10-day vacation. (My high school was in a town in Pennsylvania) A place like this, of mountains and trees with almost no trace of human, with gray blurred sky and cold fresh air, is called “the middle of nowhere ” according to my headmaster as well as those people in many American films and TV series.November in this place is just the time for hunting. I remembered many big tall guys in light orange hunting suits walked across the leafless trees. Hunting for lots of them was just a mean of chasing after fun, but some got luck
25例蛛网膜下腔出血(Sub-arachnoid haemorr-hage,简称SAH)患者中8例起病前有流感表现,因而导致对25例SAH患者进行血清检侧包括14株病毒的补体结合抗体。25例SAH患者的诊断
A One morning Wood left his house with six donkeys ( 驴 ) for the market. After a time,he got tired and got on to one of them. He counted the donkeys,and there
汉文名英文名肺动脉瓣狭窄 pulmonarystenosis,valvular pulmonarystenosis肺动脉瓣上狭窄supravalvularpulmonarystenosis肺动脉瓣下狭窄subvalvularpulmonarystenosis[右
One day Wood bought a donkey(驴) in the market; but while he was taking it home,two thieves followed him. One of them took the rope from the donkey?蒺s neck and tied it round his friend?蒺s neck. Then he