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继1972年斯德哥尔摩第一次人类环境会议后,1992年里约热内卢举行联合国环境与发展大会,对“既满足当代人的需要,又不损害后代人满足需要的能力的发展”的可持续发展创新的思想模式给予了肯定,为人类的发展指出了一条环境与发展相结合的道路。清洁生产是实现工业化可持续发展的重要手段,是既可满足人们的需要,又合理使用自然资源的活动规划和管理。清洁生产将综合预防污染的环境策略持续应用于生产过程和产品中,将废物减量化、资源化和无害化,或消除于生产过程之中。清洁生产对生产过程而言,采用少废无废的生产工艺和高效的生产设备,尽量少用不用有害有毒原料,减少生 Following the first Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, addressed the issue of sustainable development and innovation that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Affirmed the ideological model and pointed out a path of combining environment with development for the development of mankind. Cleaner production is an important means of achieving sustainable industrialization. It is an activity planning and management that can meet people’s needs and make rational use of natural resources. Cleaner Production will continue to be applied to the production process and products in a comprehensive pollution prevention environment. The waste will be reduced, recycled and decontaminated, or eliminated from the production process. Cleaner production For the production process, the use of less waste and non-waste production technology and efficient production equipment, minimize the use of non-hazardous toxic materials, reduce health
书的海洋我的梦想书是无边无际的海洋,我是遨游的鱼儿;书是摇摇晃晃的小船,载着我的梦想摇到知识的彼岸; Book of Ocean My dream book is boundless ocean, I am a fish sw
中考数学题中越来越多地设置了与现实生活有关的问题,这些问题贴近我们的生活实际,体现了数学与生活的自然联系,让我们感受到数学无处不在. More and more issues in the ma
春天悄(qiāo)悄地向我们走来。她的脸上总带着微笑,暖暖的、甜甜的。这微笑很有杀伤力。你瞧,那些残(cán)冰败雪见了,一下子就逃得无影无踪了。 Spring quietly came to u
1.脑筋急转弯:小胖写的字很不美观,但有两个字大家都说好看。你知道是哪两个字吗?2.脑筋急转弯:涛涛对胖胖说:“我有的时候一觉都能睡两年。”你信吗? 1. Riddles: Chubby w
它不但是一种社会风气,更是未来企业经营的关键所在。 It is not only a social ethos, but also the key to future business operations.
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This study examines gender differences in rural laborers‘ employment patterns in the mountainous and upland areas of Sichuan, China. The analysis employs both
一天中午,班主任老师对我说:“陈超,我办公桌上有你的信,你去拿一下。”我听了心里猜测:会是谁给我寄信呢?跑到办公室,拿起信一 One day at noon, the head teacher said to