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“大会山,火焰山,绵绵十里无人烟;飞禽走兽踪迹少,只因山火烧连年”。这曲民谣说的是皖南绩溪县与旌德县交界处历史上有名的大会山。大会山主峰1259.4米,曾历经战火烧掠,满目青山化作一片焦土。建国后,在当地林业部门的组织安排下,飞播造林几次,均因1983年连续两次大火,烧毁山林15519亩,大会山变成了名副其实的“火焰山”。 1984年3月15日,在绩溪县委县政府等部门的大力支持下,由许家政牵头,带领234户农民创建了“大会山合作林场”。 当年的许家政,担任绩溪县浩寨乡党委副书记、乡长,兼管林业生产,仕途远大。当他第一次登上海拔700米高山时,举目望去:莽莽十里大会山,满目凄凉,万亩山场,一片荒芜。这位安农林学系毕业的大学生,顿觉林业工作者责任的重大。他暗暗立下“誓叫火焰山变成花果山”的誓言,毅然放弃仕途,连续打了三次报告,要求“辞官包山办林场,带领农民上天堂”。从此,他成了远近闻名的新闻人物。 “General Assembly Hill, Flaming Mountain, uninterrupted ten miles; traces of birds and animals less, only because of the burning of mountains year after year.” This piece of ballads is said that the junction of Jining County and Jingde County in southern Anhui history of the famous General Assembly Hill. Summit peak 1259.4 meters, once burned after the war, full of Castle Peak turned into a scorched earth. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, under the organization and arrangement of the local forestry department, several aerial seeding and afforestation took place because of the two successive fires in 1983 and the destruction of 15,519 mu of mountain forest. The conference hill turned into a veritable “flame mountain.” March 15, 1984, with the strong support of Jixi county government and other departments, led by Xu Jiazheng, led 234 farmers to create a “General Assembly Hill Cooperation Forest Farm.” Xu Jiazheng that year, served as deputy secretary of Jixi County Haozhai Township Party Committee, head of the township, in charge of forestry production, career ambitious. When he first boarded the 700 meters above sea level, he looked up: the vastness of the General Assembly Hill, desolate everywhere, 10,000 acres of mountain fields, a barren. The graduate student of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Dunjue forestry workers a major responsibility. He secretly made an oath of “Oath of Flaming Mountain into Huaguo Mountain”. He resolutely gave up his career and made three reports in a row asking him to “resign from the government office and lead the peasants to heaven.” Since then, he became well-known news people.
暑七月,巍巍太行脚下的万亩果园里金果绽悦,香飘四野。记 者在全国优秀乡镇党委书记的榜样、五一劳动奖章获得者、党的十五大候补委员、新乡市委副书记兼卫辉市唐庄镇党委书记
内蒙古阿尔山市五岔沟林业局始建于 1959年,经营面积 581785公顷,林业人口 10000多人,职工 4040人,早在日伪时期,林业资源就遭到掠夺性砍伐,林相残破,原始林所剩无几,造成可采资源危
鲁 迅 先 生 说 过 的 “ 费 尔 泼 赖(fairplay)”就是“公平竞争”、“公平游 戏”,实际上,最早也是一种体育运动专 业术语,只是后来被引申于社会生存竞 争或商业竞争领域
不久前。福建政和县镇前镇梨溪小学操场上发生一起惨剧,一辆小车将一位年轻姑娘碰撞身亡。事后获悉,驾车人为一名无驾驶证的老师,年轻 Not long ago. A town in Fujian Zhen
六、注册会计师法律责任的地雷阵在哪里 会计界的有识之士已经提醒我们:前途并非一片光明,注册会计师的法律责任问题是一个世界性的难题。在我国,过去两年中对注册会计师法
●直板与横板在步法训练上的侧重点有什么不同? 直板侧身多,主要练左右步法、近台的步法。步法不是绝对的,有的人学不好并步,加—个小碎步,像邓亚萍那种,也挺好,你还不容易