The Teaching Design for Unit 3 Topic2 what sweet music Section B

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  PartⅠ The analysis of the teaching materials
  Status and functions:
  This lesson is the second period of unit3.Section A talks about the concert and some musical instruments,so the Ss have already known something about the music.In this section,students will know some types of music and learn to express functional items of like and dislike.After learning this section,the Ss will have a clear knowledge about music and especially the ability of using English to express their feelings of likes or dislikes.This section is totally helpful for stimulating students ’interest of learning English and improving Ss ’abilities of communication and cooperation.
  2.Teaching aims and demands
  1)Knowledge aims:
  △Ss can learn some useful words and expressions(folk,classical,rock,jazz,type,quickly,be famous for,be popular with)
  △Ss can talk about some types of music:(1)Classical music is serious music.(2)Pop music often comes and goes quickly.(3)Country music,rock music and jazz are all pop music.(4)Folk music is simple but special.
  △Ss can learn how to express likes and dislikes.
  (1)It’s great! I love it! (2)It is good music.
  (3)I don’t like this kind of music. (4)I hate to listen to rock music.
  (5)It’s not my favorite,but I don’t mind it.
  2)Ability aims:
  △Ss can develop the ability of using English to talk with each other freely;
  △Ss are able to cooperate with each other happily and willingly;
  △Ss are capable of getting the main information and retelling a short passage;
  3)Moral aims:
  △Ss can widen their musical knowledge and appreciate music;
  △Ss can love and enjoy life just like music;
  △Ss can increase their interest and enthusiasm of learning English.
  3.Teaching key points and difficult points
  1)Teaching key points:
  △To guide the Ss to talk about music willingly.
  △To help the Ss to express their likes and dislikes.
  2)Teaching difficult points:
  △How to make the Ss take an active part in talking about the music;
  △How to organize teaching activities to guide Ss to learn by doing.
  PartⅡ The analysis of the teaching methods and teaching aids
  1)Teaching methods:
  Using five steps’ method to make the Ss learn the knowledge step by step;
  Using task-based method to make Ss learn English by doing;
  Using audiovisual teaching method to attract the Ss ’attention and arouse the Ss’ interest;   Using situation teaching method to create several situations to make the Ss learn English easily and use it freely.
  2)Teaching aids:
  In this section,I will apply the multimedia to make the input visible,interesting,comprehensible and thus to make the Ss become interested and excited in the class.
  Part Ⅲ The analysis of my students
  The Ss have learned English for more than one year,so they have the basic English knowledge and the ability of listening and speaking.What is more,psychologically,the junior students are teenagers who are curious,active and fond of games,competitions,songs and various activities.They enjoy learning in the exciting,interesting and relaxed atmosphere.They are challenged to take an active part in varied kinds of activities.Therefore,group competition and cooperation could help them learn to cooperate with each other and have fun in learning English at the same time.Besides,discussion can greatly arouse the students in this topic.
  According to the analysis of my students,I will adopt the task-based approach and design a few activities to help them understand this lesson.
  PartⅣ The analysis of the teaching procedures
  Step 1 Warming up and lead-in
  1.Listen to the music 小苹果,ask Ss to follow the video and dance together.
  (Aims:To arouse the Ss’interest in learning English and create a cheerful atmosphere.)
  ( Choose the music of 小苹果,which is one of the most popular songs among the students.Ask the Ss to sing and dance together.After dancing to music,talk about the music with the Ss to lead in the new class naturally and perfectly .)
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