Comparison of Damages on Tungsten Surface Exposed to Noble Gas Plasmas

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haobs
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Tungsten was exposed to pure Ar or Ne plasmas over 1550 K at several incident ion energies.Even under the irradiation condition that the tungsten nanostructure is formed by He plasma irradiation,holes/bubbles and fiberform nanostructures were not formed on the surface by exposure to Ar or Ne plasmas.In addition,the results from energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy supported the facts that Ar and Ne did not remain in the sample.We will discuss the reason for the differences in the damage to the tungsten surface exposed to noble gas plasmas. Tungsten was exposed to pure Ar or Ne plasmas over 1550 K at several incident ion energies. Even under the irradiation condition that the tungsten nanostructure is formed by He plasma irradiation, holes / bubbles and fiberform nanostructures were not formed on the surface by exposure to Ar or Ne plasmas. In addition, the results from energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy supported the facts that Ar and Ne did not remain in the sample. We will discuss the reason for the differences in the damage to the tungsten surface exposed to noble gas plasmas .
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