
来源 :船舶力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alibaba1025
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对于设计和使用在波浪和流作用下作业的浮桥,充分了解其水弹性性能尤为重要。就在国防和桥梁工程中极为重要的带式舟桥而言,预报其在波浪中的水弹性响应在实际工程中就显得十分必要。该文主要研究带式舟桥在波浪作用下的水弹性性能。首先,简要地介绍了预报浮桥动力响应的不同方法及它们与试验比较的结果;其次,在三维水弹性理论的基础上采用模态叠加法对带式舟桥的有限元模型进行了水弹性分析,同时与十分之一模型试验结果做了比较(该试验由上海交通大学海洋工程国家重点实验室承担)。研究表明,文中的方法计算分析波浪中浮桥的水弹性响应是可行的。 It is particularly important to understand its hydroelastic properties for the design and use of pontoons operating under waves and currents. As far as the belt bridge is concerned, which is very important in national defense and bridge engineering, it is necessary to predict the hydroelastic response in waves in practical engineering. This paper mainly studies the hydroelastic properties of the belt pontoon bridge under wave action. First of all, the different methods of predicting the dynamic response of the pontoon and their comparison with the experimental ones are briefly introduced. Secondly, based on the three-dimensional hydroelastic theory, the finite element model of the hydroelectricity is analyzed by modal superposition method , And compared with one tenth of the model test results (the test by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University commitment). The research shows that it is feasible to calculate the hydroelastic response of the pontoon in the wave by the method in this paper.
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