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NBA的选秀已经尘埃落定,新秀们在经历了惊喜之后,发现自己心里也有一点淡淡的忧伤,毕竟从此踏上成人之路,告别了无忧无虑的学生时代,一段日子从此埋藏在记忆深处了,不过当他们听说中国的学生也在参加决定人生命运的高考,并且看过了一篇满分的作文后,他们纷纷表示,也想参加考试,这写诗和打篮球一样,是他们的强项,考上了就当当中国大学的函授生,总算是有个大学文凭,本刊记者好不容易弄到了几个美国特殊考生的作文,给大家瞧瞧,能打多少分? NBA draft has been settled, the rookie who experienced a surprise, I found that my heart also a touch of sadness, after all, since embarked on an adult path, bid farewell to the era of carefree students, a period of time buried in memory However, when they heard that Chinese students are also participating in college entrance examinations that determine the fate of their lives, and have seen a full-fledged essay, they all said they would like to take the exam. Like writing poetry and playing basketball, they are Of the strengths, admitted to the Dangdang China University correspondence students, finally have a college diploma, the reporter finally got a few American special candidates composition, to everyone to see how many points can be played?
THE dragonboat race has a history of thousands of years,Today,it hascrossed the national border to become an integrated facet of internationalChinese sport and
在“铸工”第七期上已介绍了“把座炉改成三排风口”,现将二排风口座炉改成三排风口化铁炉的经过及使用情况介绍如下,以供有关工厂参考。 In the “Castor” on the seventh
按照小罗的本意,他最想去的是西甲,因为他的同胞罗马里奥、罗纳尔多和里瓦尔多这三名巴西籍的世界足球先生都是在西甲达到了事业的最高峰。 According to Ronaldinho’s int
****成长**** 从罗伯特·施旺那里争取来五个密勒的战果,令小弗朗茨和伙伴们狂喜了好一阵子——实在是在此之前,他们拿的钱太少。 当时的拜仁正处于蒸蒸日上阶段,队中的贝肯
On June 21, 2003, the StatePostal Bureau issued a set ofthree special stamps celebratingthe historic meteorite showerover Jilin City. On June 21, 2003, the St
图示装置——由自动挡块及顶出装置组成的冲模,适用于生产率很高的冲孔工作。此装置不需要人工直接送料,而是安全地采用间接人工喂料,能起到防护装置的作用。 Graphic Devi