
来源 :山西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rogiangel
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右玉县现有林114万亩,其中小老树面积占50%左右。为加速小老树改造,并避免大面积改造引起生态环境恶化,县林业局和油坊国营林场于1984年从河北省万泉县引进改造小老树嫁接技术,进行不同品种(小黑扬、北京杨、群众杨、青杨)、不同嫁接方法(皮下接、劈接)、不同砧木年龄(5—28年)的推广试验,试验总面积385亩,三年来取得了投资少、见效快的良好效果。杨树嫁接法,就是将优种杨的种条嫁接到小叶杨截于后的树桩上。利用优种杨的生长优势与原有树木庞大的根系,使嫁接苗迅速生长,能够在较短时间内使林分得到恢复。嫁接一般在春季树木开始萌动前进行,右玉地区一般在4月中下旬至5月上旬。先将 Youyu County existing forest 114 mu, of which the area of ​​small trees account for about 50%. In order to speed up the transformation of small old trees and avoid the deterioration of the ecological environment caused by large-scale transformation, the County Forestry Administration and Youfang State Forestry Farm introduced the transformation of small old tree grafting techniques from Wanquan County of Hebei Province in 1984 to carry out different varieties (Xiao Yang, Beijing Yang, Poplar, Populus euphratica), different grafting methods (subcutaneous access, split access), different rootstock age (5-28 years) to promote the test, the total area of ​​385 acres of trial, made three years to invest less, good fast effect. Poplar grafting method, that is, the superior species of Yang grafted onto the poplar cut off after the stump. Utilizing the growth superiority of the superior Yang and the original root system of the original tree, the grafted seedlings grow rapidly and the forest stand can be recovered within a relatively short period of time. Grafting is generally carried out in the spring before the trees begin to germinate, right Yu area generally in late April to early May. First
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