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为了使陶瓷型芯具有所希望的性能,除严格控制型芯的成分配比外,还必须严格控制型芯的烧结。 烧结是指在低于陶瓷粉料的熔化温度下,经过物理及化学的变化,而使制品具有一定外形、微观结构、物理和化学性能的多晶聚合体。这种多晶聚合体称为烧结体。根据在烧结体内是否生成液相,一般可分为固相烧结和带有液相的烧结两大类。前者在烧结体中无液相或有极少量液相,而后者液相量多达体积的三分之一,此时烧结温度必然高于瓷料中某一组分或生成物的熔点。而石英玻璃陶瓷型芯属于有极少量液相参与的固相烧结。 In order to make ceramic core with the desired performance, in addition to strictly control the composition of the core ratio, but also must strictly control the core sintering. Sintering refers to the polycrystalline polymer with certain shape, microstructure, physical and chemical properties that undergo physical and chemical changes below the melting temperature of the ceramic powder. This polycrystalline polymer is called a sintered body. Depending on whether the liquid phase is formed in the sintered body, it can generally be divided into two types: solid phase sintering and sintering with a liquid phase. The former has no liquid phase in the sintered body or a very small amount of liquid phase, while the latter liquid phase reaches as much as one third of the volume. At this time, the sintering temperature must be higher than the melting point of a certain component or product in the porcelain. The quartz glass ceramic core belongs to a very small amount of liquid phase participation in solid phase sintering.
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从1954年美国联合碳化物公司(Union Carbide)把三种类型的分子筛产品作为商品试销以来,推动了整个分子筛工业的迅速发展。现在世界上许多国家每年都可以生产数以万吨计的、
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本文改进了 Hindeleh等的聚合物非晶态X衍射的表征函数,建立了用于研究聚丙烯纤维结构的计算分峰法。实践表明,它能够成功地应用于同时含有α晶态与非晶态或急冷晶态与非晶态