Songs of Friendship

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maamyaayha
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THE sound of the last note died away. There was a moment of silence in the hall. Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out from the audience. The singer bowed again and again. She had just finished singing “I Love You, China,” a popular song from the 1980s film, Compatriot Children Abroad. Although the audience was well aware that the young singer on the stage, Okuyama Yumi, was Japanese, they could hardly distinguish her performance of the song from that of Ye Peiying’s famous rendition of the song in the film. There was a moment of silence in the hall. Suddenly, thunderous applause broke out from the audience. The singer bowed again and again. "a popular song from the 1980s film, Compatriot Children Abroad. Although the audience was well aware that the young singer on the stage, Okuyama Yumi, was Japanese, they could hardly distinguish her performance of the song from that of Ye Peiying’s famous rendition of the song in the film.
<正> 去年10月至12月,我有幸应日本学术振兴会的邀请,在丽泽大学教授川洼启资先生的帮助下,以“日本战后伦理思想与经济起飞”为研究课题,访问了东京都。期间,重点考察了日本道德学研究所和伦理研究所。这两个团体是日本规模最大的伦理学研究机构,在日本国内学术界居于重要地位,在海外影响也很大。通过对它们的由来和现状的考察,能使我们把握当今日本伦理学研究机构的基本面貌,而且,对于了解日本现代伦理学的概况及其发展趋势也有重要价值。
BEFORE the ’98 Winter Olympic Games, the psychology teacher of the China National Speed Skating Team asked each member to write down a few words expressing the