
来源 :竹子研究汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinggaoblog
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本文着重探讨了有关本属的概念、与邻近属之间的关系、属下分类系统以及本属在竹亚科中的系统位置。基于形态学的分析、比较,特别是数量分类学的验证,笔者支持广义牡竹属的概念,即赞成“甜竹属Sinocalamus McClure emend keng f.”应为牡竹属的异名。本文建立了牡竹属—新亚属,即龙竹亚属 Dendrocalamus subgen.Sinocalamus(McClure)Hsueh et D.Z.Li,stat.nov.;四个新组,即椅子竹组 Sect Bambusoidetes Hsueh et D.Z.Li,Sect.nov.;龙竹组 Sect.Draconicalamus Hsueh et D.Z.Li,sect.nov.;麻竹组 Sect.Sinocalamus(McCl.)Hsueh et D.Z.Li,sect.nov.;碟环慈竹组 Sect.Patellares Hsueh et D.Z.Li,sect.nov.。本文记载了牡竹属植物10新种、1新变种和3新变型;报道了6种牡竹属植物为中国分布新记录,3种云南分布新记录;证实我国并无 Dendrocal-amus strictus(Roxb.)Nees 的天然分布。至此,中国牡竹属已知有29种2变种4变型(不含原变种及原变型)。本文对牡竹属的区系特征也做了初步分析。 This article focuses on the concept of the genus, the relationship with the neighboring genus, the taxonomic system, and the systematic position of the genus in the subfamily. Based on the morphological analysis and comparison, especially the quantitative taxonomy validation, the author supports the concept of broad-spectrum Phyllostachys, which is in favor of “Sinocalamus McClure emend keng f.” In this paper, four new groups, namely Sect Bambusoidetes Hsueh et DZLi and Sect Bambusoidetes Hsueh et DZLi, have been established in this paper, namely, Dendrocalamus subgen. Sinocalamus (McClure) Hsueh et DZLi, stat. .nov .; Sect. Draconicalamus Hsueh et DZLi, sect.nov .; Sect. Sinocalamus (McCl.) Hsueh et DZLi, sect.nov .; Sect. Patellares Hsueh et DZLi, sect.nov .. In this paper, 10 new species, 1 new variant and 3 new variants of Phyllostachys pubescens were recorded. Six species of Phyllostachys were reported as new records in China and three new records in Yunnan. It was confirmed that there was no Dendrocal-amus strictus (Roxb .) Natural distribution of Nees. So far, there are 29 kinds of 2 varieties and 4 varieties (excluding original varieties and original variants) known from China. This article also made a preliminary analysis of the flora characteristics of the genus.
前言 林木生长所必需的养分主要来源于:土壤的矿化作用,大气的干湿沉降,凋落物和土壤动物、微生物的反馈,施肥及林木器官组织间的养分转让等五个主要方面。其中唯一可以比较