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阿托品扩瞳验光在睫状肌完全麻痹,调节力消失的情况下进行,具有检查屈光度数准确的优点,所以长期以来作为眼科医生和验光师首选方法,但因患者瞳孔散大有怕光、视物模糊影响工作与学习的缺点,有时患者难以接受。电脑验光仪,是一种有代表性的自动屈光仪,其原理是以红外线作为检查光源,经微计处理自动打印,计算出屈光不正度数,特别是散光度数与轴向,具有快速,较为准确的优点,但电脑验光同样存在调节干扰问题,对青少年调节力较强者,只能作为参考数据,而不能作为最后配镜处方。笔者自1992年1月至1994年9月,应用托吡卡胺即双星明眼药水作为扩瞳剂,采用中和点检影法,对165例屈光不正患者进行验光配镜,并对其中98例与阿托品散瞳检影验光等进行对比,现将具体方法及比较结果报告如下。 1.具体方法。165例屈光不正患者用双星明眼药水 Atropine dilated optometry in the complete paralysis of the ciliary muscle, regulatory power disappeared circumstances, with the advantages of accurate examination of the diopter, it has long been the preferred method for ophthalmologists and optometrists, but patients with mydriasis fear of light, depending on Blurred objects affect the work and learning shortcomings, and sometimes patients are unacceptable. Computer refractor, is a representative of automatic refractor, the principle is to use infrared as a check light source, automatically processed by the micro-processing to calculate the degree of refractive errors, in particular astigmatism and axial, with fast, more accurate The advantages of computer optometry also exist to adjust the interference problem, strong adjustment of adolescents who can only be used as a reference data, but not as the final prescription glasses. The author from January 1992 to September 1994, the application of tropicamide that binocular eye drops as a pupil dimming agent, the use of neutral point retinoscopy, 165 cases of refractive errors in patients with optometry, and in which 98 cases and atropine mydriasis retinoscopy and other contrast, the specific methods and comparison results are reported as follows. Specific methods 165 patients with refractive errors with binary eyesight syrup
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本文主要介绍影响英语听说教学的因素和英语教学方法。通过这些理论,笔者提出结合多媒体教学方法来有效地提高英语听说教学质量。 This article mainly introduces the fact