
来源 :长安大学学报(建筑与环境科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao0464
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本文根据西安地区室外空气湿频图,采用确定空调系统运行工况下各区室外平均状态点的方法,对由日本引进的陕西彩色显象管总装分厂某空调系统,全年运行的耗能量进行了计算与分析,并在原有设备的基础上提出了节能运行的改进方案。全年运行可节省人工冷量47.5%;节省热量70.4%;节省加湿空气所消耗水量的76.8%,并可使全年有近39%的时间不用开启冷冻机。 本文认为在分析现有空调系统运行耗能量时,对引进工程的空调系统运行耗能量的分析,有很大的节能意义。 Based on the outdoor air wet frequency map of Xi’an, this paper adopts the method of determining the average outdoor status point of each area under the operating conditions of the air conditioning system, and uses the air conditioning system of the Shaanxi Color Picture Tube Assembly Plant, which was introduced from Japan, to run the energy consumed for the whole year. The calculation and analysis, and on the basis of the original equipment, put forward the improvement plan of energy-saving operation. The annual operation saves 47.5% of the artificial cooling capacity; it saves 70.4% of the heat; it saves 76.8% of the water consumed by the humidified air, and makes it possible not to open the freezer nearly 39% of the year. This article thinks that when analyzing the energy consumption of the existing air-conditioning system, the analysis of the energy consumption of the air-conditioning system of the imported project will have great energy-saving significance.
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