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1990年12月30日是中央人民广播电台建台50周年纪念日。 50年前,1940年12月30日,延安新华广播电台在延安城西北19公里的小山村——王皮湾的窑洞里发出第一声呼号:“延安新华广播电台,XNCR,现在开始播音!”她那庄重、朴实、亲切的声音,把中国共产党的政策和主张传向四面八方,从此,宣告了中国大地上第一座人民广播电台的诞生,开创了中国人民广播事业。艰苦创业艰苦奋斗延安新华广播电台诞生在抗日战争的硝烟之中。抗日战争爆发前后,中共中央、毛泽东同志就多次提出要建立自己的广播电台,冲破日本侵略者和国民党反动派的新闻封锁,宣传中国共产党的政策和主张, December 30, 1990 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Radio Station of the People’s Republic of China. 50 years ago, on December 30, 1940, Xinhua Broadcasting Station of Yan’an sent its first call sign in the cave of Wangpi Bay, a small mountain village 19 kilometers northwest of Yan’an City. “Yan’an Xinhua Radio Station, XNCR, is Now Broadcasting!” Her solemn, simple and cordial voice spread the policies and propositions of the Chinese Communist Party in all aspects. From then on, she proclaimed the birth of the first People’s Broadcasting Station on the earth in China and started the cause of Chinese people’s broadcasting. Hard work pioneering hard Yan’an Xinhua radio was born in the smoke of the war of resistance against Japan. Before and after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Comrades of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Comrade Mao Zedong repeatedly proposed to establish their own radio station, break the news blockade imposed by the Japanese aggressors and Kuomintang reactionaries, propagandize the policies and propositions of the Chinese Communist Party,
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