武钢港埠公司以教育为主 促企业发展

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武钢港埠公司是承担武钢生产所需原燃料装卸、贮存、加工和部分钢材外发的现代化企业。随着港口现代化程度的不断提高,公司把大力开展职工培训,提高职工素质放在港口发展和技术进步的首位,走出了一条提高职工队伍素质的道路,取得了显著的效果。主要经济技术指标在国内同行业中创了一流水平,同行业可比的五个综合指标,有三项名列第一,企业升级的五大指标全部达到一级标准;连续八年被冶金部授于红旗料场,物资供运先进单位;职工教育连续三年被评为武纲尊师重教先进单位,武汉市尊师重教先进单位。该公司的做法是: 1、抓培训与管理同步,树立培训第一思想。 WISCO Port Co., Ltd. is a modern enterprise undertaking the handling, storage and processing of raw materials needed for the production of WISCO and the outward distribution of some steel products. With the continuous improvement of port modernization, the Company took the effort to carry out employee training and improve the quality of staff and workers in the first place of port development and technological progress and stepped out of a road of improving the quality of staff and workers. The Company achieved remarkable results. The main economic and technical indicators in the same industry in the country hit a first-class level, with the industry comparable to five comprehensive indicators, three were ranked first, the five major indicators of business upgrades to achieve a standard; for eight consecutive years by the Ministry of Metallurgical awarded the red flag Material yard, material supply advanced unit; staff education for three consecutive years was named Wu Zhizun teachers to teach advanced unit, Wuhan City, respect teachers to teach advanced unit. The company’s approach is: 1, grasp the synchronization of training and management, establish training first thought.
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