Engineering Camelid Single Domain Antibodies and Other Antibodies with FASEBA Platform

来源 :2011第三届中国北京抗体大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iowreoksbcx
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  One big challenge in antibody engineering is to satisfy expression levels, stability and affinity requirements of the engineered antibodies.Currently no such platform was available to address the issue.We devised a technology, FAst Screening of Expression, Biophysical-properties and Affinity (FASEBA), which provides expression, biophysical property and affinity data on a large number of candidate proteins at very early stage of development without protein purification.A protein anchor BSA12, which has a low picomolar affinity to BSA yet this binding can be easily disrupted, plays a key role in the development of the FASEBA technology.We present here how this platform can be used to engineer antibodies to screen functional antibodies and antibody fragments including single chain antibody (scFv), antigen binding fragment (Fab), IgG and camelid single domain antibodies (sdab).Engineering of camelid single domain antibodies are specially discussed to emphasize their excellent drugability based on their small size and good stability fetures.
[摘 要] 基层单位特别是基层生产单位良好的生产经营状况是保持企业良性发展的基础。地震队是石油物探企业最主要的基层生产单位,其创效能力和管理水平直接关系着整个公司兴衰荣辱。卓有成效的思想政治工作是搞好基层各项工作的必要条件人。研究探索新形势下物探基层队思想政治工作的规律和方法,对于搞好基层工作、促进企业的健康发展都具有十分重要的现实意义。  [关键词] 新形势 物探基层队 工作  一
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