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为加强大学生村官管理,促进大学生村官队伍建设规范化,长春市双阳区委通过强化制度、健全考评、拓宽出口,确保全区大学生村官“下得去、待得住、干得好、流得动”。强化制度保障,推动管理责任落实。把制度“硬约束”作为大学生村官管理的主要方式,区委组织部制定了大学生村官管理办法,主要从大学生村官的岗位职责、教育培养、管理考核、激励保障、选拔使用等方面进行了明确。同时,落实了区委组织部的宏观管理责任、乡镇(街道)日常管理责任。为进一步规范大学生村官的日常管理,区委组织 In order to strengthen the management of university village officials and promote the standardization of the construction of university village officials, Changchun Shuangyang District Committee, through strengthening the system, improving the assessment and widening the export, ensures that village officials in the entire district can go on, stay and do well, Flow is moving “. Strengthen system security and promote the implementation of management responsibilities. The system ”hard constraints " as the main way of management of college village officials, the district organization department developed a management approach for college students village officials, mainly from the job responsibilities of university students village officials, education and training, management assessment, incentive protection, selection and use The aspects were clarified. At the same time, the macro-management responsibility of the organizing committee of the district party committee and the daily management responsibilities of townships (sub-districts) have been implemented. In order to further standardize the daily management of college village officials, district organizations
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