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  The college-admissions scandal—in which fifty people have been indicted for scheming to get the children of wealthy parents into top schools—makes for perfect cocktail chatter. It involves a couple of celebrities among those who, prosecutors allege, bribed and cheated their kids’ way into college.1 It includes bizarre details, like the Photoshopping of photographs of said children’s faces onto the bodies of outstanding young athletes. It bears savoring and retelling,because it says something intuitively obvious but barely articulated about American society: Its entire education system is a scam, perpetrated by a few upon the many.2

  It’s not just that higher education is literally prohibitively expensive (and at the end of it most college graduates still don’t know how to use the word “literally” correctly,3 as I am here). It’s not just that admission to an élite college—more than the education a student receives there—provides the foundation of future wealth by creating or reinforcing social connections. It’s not just that every college in the country, including public schools, makes decisions about infrastructure, curriculum development, hiring, and its very existence on the basis of fund-raising and money-making logic. It’s not just that the process of getting into college grows more stressful—and, consequently, more expensive—with every passing year. It’s not just that the process itself is fundamentally rigged4 and everyone knows this. It’s all of it.
  There is an adage5 of journalism that holds that every story should be written as if by a foreign correspondent. I generally like this idea: Coverage of many issues could benefit from an informed view. I now find myself imagining applying it to the college-scandal story.
  I would, of course, begin by explaining that fifty people in six states are accused of conspiring to game the collegeadmissions system.6 They spent hundreds of thousands of dollars each to have other people take standardized tests in place of their children, to insure that the administration of the test itself would be fixed7, and to bribe coaches and falsify their children’s athletic records. Here, the story would get complicated. A reader in any country can understand the concept of a standardized test—in some countries, in fact, standardized tests have been a tool to fight corruption in admissions. But what does athletic ability have to do with college, especially a college considered academically challenging?   Soon, I would find myself explaining the exotic customs of American college admissions. As the parent of two young adults—one recently went through the application process and the other is in its beginning stages—I have accumulated some experience explaining the system to my friends in other countries. (A Canadian academic’s recent incredulous response:8 “In Canada, people just go to university!”) I would have to explain the concept of legacy admissions:The positively pre-modern concept that the right to an élite education is heritable. I would have to explain that colleges depend heavily on financial donors, whom they cultivate through generations. I would have to explain the growing part of softer criteria like extracurriculars—the race to be not only better-educated than your peers but also better at being a good person in the world—as if education and an initiation into adult civic life were not what college itself is for. I would have to note that it’s essential for parents to be able to afford to pay for their children’s extracurriculars and sponsor their volunteerism.
  I would have to explain all that before I even got to the standardized tests. Then I would note that an SAT/ACT tutor in New York City charges between three hundred and four hundred and fifty dollars an hour.9 I would note that, to make parents feel better about parting with that sort of money, many programs guarantee a precise bump in test scores for their students: about a hundred and eighty points, out of a possible total of sixteen hundred, for the SAT; about four, out of thirtysix, for the ACT. I would note that gaming the test legally is such a well-established practice that children whose parents can’t afford thousands of dollars in test-prep fees will score more than ten per cent lower than those who get tutored.
  Granted10, the test results aren’t everything. Every college will tell you that it takes a “holistic11 approach” to admissions. There are essays, for which there is also coaching, and editing, and a formula; the hourly rate for these services can exceed that of the test tutors. There is also additional college counselling, because a guidance counsellor even at the best public school can’t give an aspiring college student the kind of individual attention, or the kinds of connection, that money can buy. And then there are the connections that money buys indirectly: the parents’ friends who teach, or who work in admissions, or who have generous tips on what colleges are looking for in an essay or an applicant’s list of extracurriculars. One of those things is interest in the particular college—an immeasurable quality, to be sure, but colleges like to see that an applicant has visited the campus. Yes, in most of the world, young people go to university in the city where they grew up, but in the United States, I would explain, most young people aspire to “go away” to college, and that means that even a pre-application tour is a costly and time-consuming proposition12. I might mention that the dormitory system, a major source of revenue for the colleges, is also a giant expense for the families, but, these days, even colleges that used to be known as commuter schools13 require first- and often second-year students to live in the dorms, even if their families live in the same city. This is but an incomplete list of reasons that many low-income students don’t even try to apply to selective14 colleges. The wealthy compete with the even wealthier.

  I would explain that many American colleges have made a concerted effort to admit students from more varied backgrounds, but have failed even to keep up with the changing demographics of the country.15 The top colleges and universities continue, overwhelmingly, to educate the wealthy and white. The proportional representation of African-Americans and Latinos in the population of top colleges has been dropping, with a few exceptions, which are, in turn, determined largely by wealth: Only the wealthiest colleges can admit a lot of students whose parents can’t afford tuition. And if they want to keep these students, they have to invest in revamping16 their curricula and training faculty and allocating additional teaching and counselling resources to help students for whom the culture ofélite colleges is alien and alienating.
  Explaining why these additional resources would be necessary would in turn require an explanation of how education is funded in this country, how school districts are drawn, how middle-class parents invest in a house in the right neighborhood, where public schools will give their kids a chance at a decent college. The best public primary schools, I would explain, enable graduates to compete with kids who went to expensive private schools. For the socially and economically hopeful17, I would explain, raising a child in America is an eighteen-year process of investing in the collegeadmissions system.
  All this, I would hope, would serve to elucidate18 how a corruption scheme like the college-admissions conspiracy could come to be. But it would also raise the question: Why are these ridiculous crooks the only people who might be punished for perpetuating—by gaming—a bizarre, Byzantine, and profoundly unmeritocratic education system?19 Why is such a clearly and unabashedly20 immoral system legal at all?
  搞新闻的有这么一个说法:记者每报道一则新闻,都应该把自己当作一个局外人。我大致赞同这个说法:在许多问题的报道上,信息越全越好。现在我假想自己在用这条准则报道高校招生丑闻。   最开头,我肯定会说,来自六个州的50个人被指控密谋在大学招生环节舞弊。他们每个人都花了几十万美元,找人在标准考试中给自己的孩子替考,确保可以操控考试监管流程,并贿赂教练伪造孩子的体育成绩。到这里,问题就变得复杂了。任何一个国家的读者,肯定都知道什么是标准考试——事实上,在一些国家,标准考试被当作抵制招生腐败的手段。但是体育成绩与上大学,尤其是学术上要求很高的大学,又有什么关系呢?
  紧接着,我就得开始解释美国大学一些奇特的招生规则。作为两个孩子的家长——他们一个刚走完申请流程,一个刚开始申请—— 这段时间我总结了一些经验,用来给我的外国朋友们介绍美国的这一体系。(加拿大的一位老师近来对此表示怀疑:“在加拿大,上大学没什么门槛!”)我得和他们解释校友子女优先录取的政策,而精英教育可以代代相传的这种观念分明早已过时。我还得解释说,美国的大学严重依赖于捐款,并因此形成了一批世代校友。除此之外我还要解释说,包括课外活动在内的一些软标准也越来越多——你不仅要比同龄人有更多的知识,还要为世界作过更大的贡献。然而实际上,传授知识、为学生进入社会作准备,这本身就是大学的职责。我必须要说的是,出资让孩子们参与课外活动,以及赞助志愿服务,对家长来说这是最基本的要求。
  1. prosecutor: 检察官,公诉人;allege: 宣称,指控;bribe: 贿赂。
  2. scam: 欺诈,骗局;perpetrate: 施行,从事(有害、违法或欺诈的行为)。
  3. literally: 确实地,名副其实地(在口语中,literally被滥用,只表示强调,丧失了“名副其实地”这个含义,所以作者说很多人大学毕业都不会正确使用这个词);prohibitively:(费用)高得负担不起地。
  4. rig: 操纵,做手脚。
  5. adage: 谚语,格言。
  6. conspire: 密谋,图谋;game the system:钻规则(法律)的空子牟利。
  7. fix: 用不正当的手段操纵(选举、比赛等的)结果。
  8. academic: 大学教师,(大学里的)学者;incredulous: 不愿相信的,表示怀疑的。
  9.SAT:(美国)学业能力倾向测验(Scholastic Aptitude Test,是高中生升入大学前的资格考试);ACT:美国大学测验(American College Test,是美国一些大学的入学考试)。
  10. granted: (表示肯定属实,然后再作另一番论述)不错,的确。
  11. holistic: 整体的,全面的。
  12. proposition: 事情。
  13. commuter school: 指大部分学生不住在校园,需要每日通勤的学校。   14. selective:(学校挑选学生)有选择性的,严格筛选的。
  15. concerted: 一致的,协调好的;demographics: 人口统计数据。
  16. revamp: 修改,改进。
  17. hopeful: n. 希望获得成功的人,雄心勃勃的人。
  18. elucidate: 阐明,解释。
  19. crook: 骗子,无赖;Byzantine: 类似古拜占庭政治情况的(特点是多阴谋诡计),错综复杂的;unmeritocratic: 非精英管理的(“精英管理制度”的英文为meritocracy,指依据人的能力和成绩而非社会阶层来评定人的体制)。
  20. unabashedly: 不害臊地,不怕羞地。


  ∷秋叶 评
  严格地说,美国等西方发达国家并不存在像我国“一分定生死”或者“千军万马过独木桥”这样近乎残酷的高考竞争制度。他们实施的是一种更加注重综合考查学生能力与潜力的学生直接面向特定高校的申请制度,高校可以自主制定其入学条件。当然,各校的入学条件会有一定的共性,如对于SAT(Scholastic Aptitude Test,学业能力倾向测验)或ACT(American College Test,美国大学测验)考分一般都有个基本线要求(学生一年内可以有多次考试机会,取其中的理想考分)。不过,分数并非完全决定性的因素,学校往往还要看该生的其他能力与素质,如是否有体育特长,是否热心于志愿服务等公益事业(即文中所称的softer criteria like extracurriculars),等等。美国是世界上高等教育最发达的国家,各级各类大学总共超过四千所。然而,顶尖(highly selective)与重点(top 100)高校同样是稀缺资源,每年入学的竞争程度丝毫不亚于我国的“985”与“211”称号大学。

  教育机会的公平正义(fairness and justice)是每个公民孜孜以求的理想与目标,因为接受教育的机会在很大程度上决定了一个人的未来。因此,每个国家都应该有一整套精细的制度来保证这种机会的公平性与合理性,不让人民因财富、阶层、种族、宗教与政治信仰不同而受到区别对待。美国人对于种族与贫富差异有着天然的敏感性,这也反映在其对于考试内容方面的改革与修正上面。例如:SAT在文化歧视方面曾饱受争议,其中最有名的一个例子就是“oarsman-regatta”题目。这是一道单词类比题,题目给出一对单词,要求考生在选项的五对单词中选出两个单词间逻辑关系与例题一致的一组。这个题目的题干给出的是runner-marathon(跑步的人—马拉松),而答案选项的两个词oarsman-regatta(划桨者—帆船赛)则与一项在富人阶层流行的体育运动有关。想要正确回答此题,学生必须懂得帆船赛的规则和词汇,这被视为明显的文化歧视。据统计,53%的白人学生正确回答了此题,而回答正确的黑人考生比例仅有22%。这个事件也促使主办该考试的美国大学理事会(College Board)在2005年SAT改革中将单词类比题换成了批判性阅读(critical reading)。
  原文作者除了列举以上造假舞弊等涉嫌违法犯罪的奇葩手段外,还把批判的矛头直指一些更为“软性”、貌似合法合规的做法。例如,精英教育可继承的“校友子女优先录取权”(legacy admissions),大学捐赠者入学特权(financial donors)以及体育、艺术特长生甚至表现优秀的志愿者优先录取(extracurriculars/volunteerism)等。作者认为这些特权与大学以学术为先的理念完全不相符。同时,作者还指出,美国大学现行的招生制度其实是让家长在拼财力、拼关系。其结果是那些得到精英教育的人绝大多数都是富人和白人。于是,作者直接把美国的教育制度斥为“奇特怪异、多阴谋诡计且不看重真实能力的(bizarre, Byzantine, and profoundly unmeritocratic)不道德”的教育制度。有着数年辉煌发展传统并在“二战”后首次实现了高等教育大众化的美国,在作者眼里已堕落到了这步田地,真是让笔者始料未及,当然这也在一定程度上反映了美国人未雨绸缪的忧患意识!
由于自然条件和历史文化的不同,中西方在饮食习俗上可谓大相径庭、各承一脉、自成体系。比如,中国人习惯吃馒头和包子(馅饼),西方人喜欢吃面包和比萨;中国人对炒土豆丝习以为常,西方人对油炸薯条来者不拒;中国人热衷于饮茶水、豆浆,西方人酷爱喝咖啡、牛奶;中国人对豆腐青睐有加,西方人对奶酪情有独钟。  众所周知,奶酪是欧美国家饮食文化里极具代表性的食物。可以说,奶酪之于西方人就如豆腐之于中国人,因此要了解西
“You did it!”  在早已聚在营地草坪上举着啤酒欢庆的选手中,不知是谁发现了的我们,喊出了这样一句话。而后便是响彻满场的欢呼声,高举着双臂为我们高喊“Team China!”我们这8个来自中国的选手和一百多个国家的选手在数量上比只能算是个零头,但却格外惹眼。在Trans NZ或是其他同类型比赛中,亚洲面孔都相当少见。赛后,我被问的最多的问题便是:“你们怎么知道的这个比赛?”和“中国骑En
素有“地狱马拉松之称的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠马拉松近日诞生了首个完赛的中国内地选手:“中国铁人”陈盆滨。这个不断挑战极限的男人瘫倒在帐篷里大吼了一声:“累死了终于结束了!”就像美剧《越狱》里的麦克一样,陈盆滨也成功地从“地狱”突围,他的总成绩为32小时02分26秒平均速度为783公里/小时,名列第56名。  摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠马拉松赛事分为七天六个赛段,总共250公里赛程。报名费高昂,其中还包含了遗体遣送
新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,中国已多次承诺,“中国的新冠疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,将作为全球公共产品”。相比之下,美国却抢夺疫苗生产专利,拒绝出席“全球疫苗峰会”,在应对全球性危机方面,奉行所谓的“美国优先”,遭国际社会广泛批评。一往无“欠”  世卫组织发言人表示已收到美国退出世卫组织报告。而世卫相关资料显示美国仍拖欠2亿美元会费,连2019年度会费都未缴清。“奸”嘴猴腮  近日,一段香港市民街头怒怼黄
“每个人都会展现自己最好的一面给大家,我也是这样”,攀岩天才阿诗玛说。  这位日裔美籍少女,拥有诸多成人攀岩高手都不曾有的天赋、专注、激情,还有一种格外的冷静心理自控力、成熟的智慧,如功力高深的艺术家。此时此刻,黄昏的雨已然歇息,巍峨苍山在身后沉沉地亘古入定,夜空的星星展现灿烂的光华。来自深圳的设计师,在这个小院里给女儿设计了树屋、攀岩墙、游戏室;这一下营村,居住了外来的近百户的日韩欧美、北上广深
终日忙碌的亚健康状态使身体难以承受负重露营与长途骑之痛,4 2的露营方式为控制户外强度找到了突破口。  所谓“4 2”指的是开车驮着自行车到郊外去体验骑行的乐趣。拓乐“普洛来”ProRide 591是一款安装简便的顶置自行车架,自行车可以快速的固定,是你精彩“4 2”生活中的好伙伴。    京城三面环山,坐拥无数野地花园。如果周末不愿宅在家中,绝不会觉得无处可去,并且京郊的盘山小路,路况还真是不错
为充分发挥省级重点中学的优质教学资源,湖南省教育厅决定,自1999年起,省级重点中学一律停止初中阶段的办学。此后,为兼顾教育机会的均等,自2004年起,原挂牌的“湖南省重点中学”,一律改称“湖南省级示范性高级中学”。在长期的摸索和探求中,笔者所在的岳阳市岳化一中,近几年从学校的实际出发,结合当前国际国内的基本教育情况,在人事制度方面进行了一系列内聘制的改革。    内聘制实施的原因    过去很长
从“黑骑士”说起  2008年,根据连环漫画《蝙蝠侠》(Barman)改编的超级英雄电影《黑骑士》(The Dark Knight)狂扫十亿多美元的全球票房,成为当年最卖座的大片(要知道中国当年全年的票房也只有区区43亿元人民币,即6亿多美元)。与此同时,同样根据连环画改编的超级英雄电影《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)也有不俗的票房表现。
莫小绿 选注    "We expected our first child to be perfect." Howmany parents have said,or at least thought,thosewords? Most likely every single one.  I know that’s what I expected with our oldest son,Joe.He
In A History of Reading, the Canadian novelist Alberto Manguel describes a remarkable transformation of human consciousness, which took place around the 10th century A.D.: the advent of silent reading