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自中晚始新世以来,受到区域引张构造应力作用,华北地区发生了强烈的陆内裂谷,导致了东西两大盆地系统的形成和发展。引张构造的动力起源一直是人们争论的问题.提出了不同的大陆动力学假说。本文介绍秦岭活动断裂系和郯庐断裂带南段的新生代断层运动学的野外观测和构适应力分析结果。渭河地堑位于鄂尔多斯南缘,其南界为东西走向的秦岭活动断裂系。通过影响地堑内新生代沉积物的断层运动学的野外分析和构造应力反演,结果表明盆地的演化经历了三期地壳引张构造期:早期北西西—南东东向引张发生在早第三纪,至新第三纪时期引张方向转变为北东—南西向,上新世至第四纪时期引张方向又转变为北西—南东向。位于盆地南缘的东西向秦岭断裂系相应地发生了早期以右旋走滑为主、中期以正向滑动 Since the middle and late Eocene, by intense regional tectonic stress, a strong intra-continental rift occurred in North China, which led to the formation and development of two systems. The origins of the structure of the extension structure have been the subject of debate, and different continental dynamics hypotheses have been proposed. In this paper, the field observations and structural fitness analysis of the Cenozoic fault kinematics of the Qinling active fault system and the southern part of Tanlu fault zone are presented. Weihe Rift is located in the southern edge of Ordos, and its southern boundary is the east-west Qinling active fault system. The field analysis and tectonic stress inversion of the fault kinematics of the Cenozoic sediments in the graben show that the evolution of the basin experienced three periods of crustal extension: the early North West-South-East-East extension occurred early From the Tertiary to the Neo-Tertiary, the direction of extension was changed to NE-NS, and the direction of extension of the extension from Pliocene to Quaternary changed to NW-NS. The east-west Qinling fault system located in the southern margin of the basin correspondingly occurred in the early stage with dextral strike-slip in the early stage and in the middle stage with positive slip
一、前言 载重汽车与客车大多数采用整体式转向梯形机构,众所周知,它所确定的内、外轮转向角关系是不能完全符合下式所表达的内、外转向理论转向角关系的(参看图1): I. INT
A high-power fiber laser in an all-fiber format is reported. The system consists of 36 pump ports, which use both counter and forward pump configuration. In the
一、引言 众所周知,起重机机构在起动或制动过程中,其惯性力矩由两部分组成,即 第一部分:载物运动质量(起升机构为额定载荷质量、运行机构为额定载荷质量加上自重质量、旋转