Across-wind loads and effects of super-tall buildings and structures

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchenglin427
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Across-wind loads and effects have become increasingly important factors in the structural design of super-tall buildings and structures with increasing height. Across-wind loads and effects of tall buildings and structures are believed to be excited by inflow turbulence, wake, and inflow-structure interaction, which are very complicated. Although researchers have been focusing on the problem for over 30 years, the database of across-wind loads and effects and the computation methods of equivalent static wind loads have not yet been developed, most countries having no related rules in the load codes. Research results on the across-wind effects of tall buildings and structures mainly involve the determination of across-wind aerodynamic forces and across-wind aerodynamic damping, development of their databases, theoretical methods of equivalent static wind loads, and so on. In this paper we first review the current research on across-wind loads and effects of super-tall buildings and structures both at home and abroad. Then we present the results of our study. Finally, we illustrate a case study in which our research results are applied to a typical super-tall structure. Across-wind loads and effects have become increasingly important factors in the structural design of super-tall buildings and structures with increasing height. Across-wind loads and effects of tall buildings and structures are be be excited by inflow turbulence, wake, and inflow -structure interaction, which are very complicated. The researchers have been focused on the problem for over 30 years, the database of across-wind loads and effects and the computation methods of equivalent wind load have not yet developed, most countries have no related rules in the load codes. Research results on the across-wind effects of tall buildings and structures mainly involve the determination of across-wind aerodynamic forces and across-wind aerodynamic damping, development of their databases, theoretical methods of equivalent static wind loads, and so on. In this paper we first review the current research on across-wind loads and effects of super-tall buildings and str Then we present the results of our study. Finally, we illustrate a case study in which our research results are applied to a typical super-tall structure.
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