
来源 :上海水务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjyueying886
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闸门对过闸潮量的影响较大,使原有的水位流量关系发生了较大变化,影响水文站对潮量的推求。浙江路桥水文站是苏州河的潮量测控站,负责测量苏州河汇入黄浦江的代表潮量。但苏州河水闸独特的型式、灵活的调度方式以及闸门不定时的启闭,给苏州河潮量的推求造成了极大困难。历年来,苏州河没有一个可行的方法来推求出具体的潮量。经计算表明,切割水位过程线法是解决河流受水工建筑物影响,推求出苏州河潮量的一种较为可行的方法。 The gate has a great influence on the gate-crossing tide volume, which greatly changes the relationship between the original water level and the flow rate, which affects the hydrological station’s estimation of the tide volume. Zhejiang Luqiao Hydrometry Station is a tidal volume monitoring station for the Suzhou River that is responsible for measuring the representative tidal volume of the Suzhou River that flows into the Huangpu River. However, the unique type of Suzhou River sluice, flexible scheduling and gate opening and closing from time to time, to the deduction of the Suzhou River caused great difficulties. Over the years, there is not a feasible way for Suzhou Creek to deduce the specific tide volume. The calculation shows that cutting the water level process line method is to solve the impact of rivers by hydraulic structures, and to find a more feasible method of Suzhou Creek tide.
Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD),which includes Crohn’s disease(CD)and ulcerative colitis(UC),represents a group of chronic inflammatory disorders caused by dys
本文介绍了网页设计的发展趋势和教学方法,为网页设计课程设置提供借鉴。 This article introduces the development trend and teaching methods of web design, and provi
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